Sokol Inna

master of IEA

Faculty of Economics and Management

Donetsk State Technical University




I was born on november 22nd, 1973 in sity of Chervonograd in Lviv region.

I finished Donetsk secondary school in 1994.

In 1996 I entered Donetsk Engineering Economic College at the speciality "Management of International Economic Activity".

The subject of my Bachelor diploma is:

"Improvement of enterprise management structure in the conditions of market transformations on the example of Open Joint Stock Company "Donetsk Metallurgical Plant".

The supervisor of my Bachelor diploma is Ass. Prof. A.Oleynikov.

I obtained a distinction diploma in 2000.

In 2000 I entered Donetsk State Technical University at the Faculty of Economics and Management on speciality "Management of International Economic Enterprise Activity".

The subject of my Master Thesis is:

"Designing and adaptation of organizational management structure of international economic activity at enterprise".

The supervisor of my Master diploma is Ass. Prof. A. Ivanov.


Contact Information

Postal address: 16, app.52, Stakhanov St., Donetsk City UKRAINE 83111
Contact phone: 380 /622/ 762-603