Sokol Inna master of IEA Faculty of Economics and Management |
I was born on november 22nd, 1973 in sity of Chervonograd in Lviv region. Ð>
I finished Donetsk secondary school in 1994. Ð>
In 1996 I entered Donetsk Engineering Economic College at the speciality "Management of International Economic Activity".
The subject of my Bachelor diploma is:
"Improvement of enterprise management structure in the conditions of market transformations on the example of Open Joint Stock Company "Donetsk Metallurgical Plant".Ð>
The supervisor of my Bachelor diploma is Ass. Prof. A.Oleynikov.Ð>
I obtained a distinction diploma in 2000.Ð>
In 2000 I entered Donetsk State Technical University at the Faculty of Economics and Management on speciality "Management of International Economic Enterprise Activity".Ð>
The subject of my Master Thesis is:
"Designing and adaptation of organizational management structure of international economic activity at enterprise". Ð>
The supervisor of my Master diploma is Ass. Prof. A. Ivanov.Ð>
Postal address: 16, app.52, Stakhanov St., Donetsk City UKRAINE 83111
Contact phone: 380 /622/ 762-603