I was born on the 7-th of October 1979 in Ukrainian miners capital - the city of
Donetsk. The kindergarten I've being attending had fabulous name. It was named
"Golden Key" after well known Russian analogue of "Pinocchio".
My afterglows are most fabulous. Being a usual Soviet child I went to school Nî2
of Donetsk (this school was named after Yuri Dvuzhilni a hero of World War 2) at
the age of six. I have learnt there till the seventh form. By the time of
departure I've already finished piano-forte classes and had already being
swimming for five years. At the very beginning of seventh form I went to India
with my parents because my father was going to work as mining engineer according
to his contract with an Indian excavating company. My recollections about India
are fairy and great and I can write enormous narration about it. The only thing
could be written about the country in brief - India is charming and mysterious
country and the temper of Indians seems me very familiar to Slavish. In august
1993 our family came back to Donetsk and I returned to my class of the
school Nî2. Loving all eastern traditions after India I
have become Oriental. In my city I found people sharing my preferences and I
started Karate training. I'm still fond of it.
When I faced the problem of further education I had had no doubts because I've
been always wishing to study in Donetsk State Technical University. The most
complicated thing was to choose the major. I thoroughly collected information
dealing with the University and visited different faculties in order to obtain
my personal impression about them. After
hesitations I decided to study automation and telecommunications at CITA
(Computer Information Technologies and Automation) faculty. In 1996 I was
enrolled to the University after passing rating exams.
It wasn't very interesting to study in the University
for the first 1,5 years, because at that very time we were learning math,
physics and other subjects which helped us to understand further courses.
I know that those courses were necessary, but they were rather dull for me. The
thing I liked very much was learning English. I've been studying English in the
group of students chosen from the whole faculty. We were gathered to a group by
outstanding teacher of English - Irene Bykova. We passed First Certificate
examination after two-year studying. This Certificate notified our knowledge at
Upper-Intermediate level. At the beginning of spring term of second course
candidate of technical science Alexander Vorontsov suggested to student of my
group Dmitry Zayats and me (we work together
to the present time and everything dealing with scientific work refers to us
both) to fulfill scientific work under his authority. We agreed. Our first task
was to study well standard IEC 1158-3 Digital data communications for measurement and
control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Part 3: Data Link
Service Definition and to translate it into Russian. We have had to change our scientific
chief, because our
scientific interests turned out to be different and we wished to work with
communications. Dean of CITA faculty, professor of AT (Automation and
Telecommunications) chair Alexander V. Chorchordin have become our new
scientific chief.
Our new chief suggested us to work with themes we wished to. During the
industrial practicing after finishing third course we administrated LAN under
Linux RedHat 6.01, adjusted ftp-server, Samba server, Apache Web-server, NFS.
The results of our work were arranged as stack of instructions for students.
Since the second semester of 4-th course (spring of 2000 year) we have begun study
hardware and software of automation of firm Siemens AG at German Technical
Faculty. There we studied programming of microcontrollers Simatic S-7 300, S-7 400
at STL language, and also software package intended for visualization of
technological processes - WinCC. The purpose of our work was not so much study
of means of automation, but to study consideration of features of the
industrial communications in details. All information interchange in industrial networks of
Siemens equipment takes place under the PROFIBUS protocol or its updates PROFIBUS
- DP, PROFIBUS - FMS etc. (for more details about the PROFIBUS protocol read our
M. Sc. degree work). At the end of 2000 year we wrote work, in which the
problems of
visualization of technological processes with WinCC package and STL were
examined. This work was carried out within the framework of the
course project and is made out as simple examples of practical realization of
the modern approaches to automation. Our work can be used for study WinCÑ on
the initial stage (but thus necessarily refer to us, as the authors of the given
work). This work can be found in electronic
After successful delivery of a graduation examination on a scientific degree -
bachelor, I have become undergraduate. M. Sc. degree
work I write, as well as all other works, together with Dmitry Zayats. Our
M. Sc. degree thesis is " Development of the specifications for Ñ-2 connections
(Master Class 2 - Slave)". The given theme was offered by institute IFAK (Magdebourg, Germany) and
is carried out within the framework of cooperation of AT chair (Donetsk State Technical Univarsity)
with this institute. We understand the specification as the description of the
protocol (primitives and services) on one of languages SDL
(Specification Description Languages). Ñ-2 the connection is specific for PROFIBUS a kind of the
communications between the Master Class 2 entity (Programming device)
and Slave entity (sensor or executive mechanism). On
demand IFAK, the modeling of the protocols' work should pass in real time, and
our task is to collect statistics of his(its) work.
We consider our task perspective and useful not only in abstract perceptual
sense. It is perspective because according to the results of search in Internet for the
similar work is not conducted at our University nor in Ukraine, and modeling of protocols'
in real time wasn't conducted even by its founders. Therefore,
we hope, our researches will help to reveal "bottlenecks" of the
protocol, it is possible to reduce amount of the transmitted service
information, to increase reliability of work of the protocol.