Once the structure and behaviour of a module have been specified, it is possible to simulate the module by executing its bevioural description. This is done by simulating the passage of time in discrete steps. At some simulation time, a module input may be stimulated by changing the value on an input port. The module reacts by running the code of its behavioural description and scheduling new values to be placed on the signals connected to its output ports at some later simulated time. This is called scheduling a transaction on that signal. If the new value is different from the previous value on the signal, an event occurs, and other modules with input ports connected to the signal may be activated.
The simulation starts with an initialisation phase, and then proceeds by repeating a two-stage simulation cycle. In the initialisation phase, all signals are given initial values, the simulation time is set to zero, and each module's behaviour program is executed. This usually results in transactions being scheduled on output signals for some later time.
In the first stage of a simulation cycle, the simulated time is advanced to the earliest time at which a transaction has been scheduled. All transactions scheduled for that time are executed, and this may cause events to occur on some signals.
In the second stage, all modules which react to events occurring in the first stage have their behaviour program executed. These programs will usually schedule further transactions on their output signals. When all of the behaviour programs have finished executing, the simulation cycle repeats. If there are no more scheduled transactions, the whole simulation is completed.
The purpose of the simulation is to gather information about the changes in system state over time. This can be done by running the simulation under the control of a simulation monitor. The monitor allows signals and other state information to be viewed or stored in a trace file for later analysis. It may also allow interactive stepping of the simulation process, much like an interactive program debugger.