The primary unit of behavioural description in VHDL is the process. A process is a sequential body of code which can be activated in response to changes in state. When more than one process is activated at the same time, they execute concurrently. A process is specified in a process statement, with the syntax:
process_statement ::=
[ process_label : ]
[ ( sensitivity_list ) ]
process [ process_label ] ;
process_declarative_part ::= { process_declarative_item }
process_declarative_item ::=
| subprogram_body
| type_declaration
| subtype_declaration
| constant_declaration
| variable_declaration
| alias_declaration
| use_clause
process_statement_part ::= { sequential_statement }
sequential_statement ::=
| assertion_statement
| signal_assignment_statement
| variable_assignment_statement
| procedure_call_statement
| if_statement
| case_statement
| loop_statement
| next_statement
| exit_statement
| return_statement
| null_statement
A process statement is a concurrent statement which can be used in an architecture body or block. The declarations define items which can be used locally within the process. Note that variables may be defined here and used to store state in a model.
A process may contain a number of signal assignment statements for a given signal, which together form a driver for the signal. Normally there may only be one driver for a signal, and so the code which determines a signals value is confined to one process.
A process is activated initially during the initialisation phase of simulation. It executes all of the sequential statements, and then repeats, starting again with the first statement. A process may suspended itself by executing a wait statement. This is of the form:
wait_statement ::=
wait [ sensitivity_clause ] [
condition_clause ] [ timeout_clause ] ;
sensitivity_clause ::= on sensitivity_list
sensitivity_list ::= signal_name { , signal_name }
condition_clause ::= until condition
timeout_clause ::= for time_expression
The sensitivity list of the wait statement specifies a set of signals to which the process is sensitive while it is suspended. When an event occurs on any of these signals (that is, the value of the signal changes), the process resumes and evaluates the condition. If it is true or if the condition is omitted, execution procedes with the next statement, otherwise the process resuspends. If the sensitivity clause is omitted, then the process is sensitive to all of the signals mentioned in the condition expression. The timeout expression must evaluate to a positive duration, and indicates the maximum time for which the process will wait. If it is omitted, the process may wait indefinitely.
If a sensitivity list is included in the header of a process statement, then the process is assumed to have an implicit wait statement at the end of its statement part. The sensitivity list of this implicit wait statement is the same as that in the process header. In this case the process may not contain any explicit wait statements.
An example of a process statements with a sensitivity list:
process (reset, clock)
variable state : bit := false;
if reset then
:= false;
elsif clock = true then
:= not state;
end if;
q <= state after prop_delay;
-- implicit wait on reset, clock
end process;
During the initialization phase of simulation, the process is activated and assigns the initial value of state to the signal q. It then suspends at the implicit wait statement indicated in the comment. When either reset or clock change value, the process is resumed, and execution repeats from the beginning.
The next example describes the behaviour of a synchronization device called a Muller-C element used to construct asynchronous logic. The output of the device starts at the value '0', and stays at this value until both inputs are '1', at which time the output changes to '1'. The output then stays '1' until both inputs are '0', at which time the output changes back to '0'.
muller_c_2 : process
wait until a = '1' and
b = '1';
q <= '1';
wait until a = '0' and b
= '0';
q <= '0';
end process muller_c_2 ;
This process does not include a sensitivity list, so explicit wait statements are used to control the suspension and activation of the process. In both wait statements, the sensitivity list is the set of signals a and b, determined from the condition expression.