5.3. Complete Design Example

To illustrate the overall structure of a design description, a complete design file for the example in Section 1.4 is shown in Figure 5-6. The design file contains a number of design units which are analysed in order. The first design unit is the entity declaration of count2. Following it are two secondary units, architectures of the count2 entity. These must follow the entity declaration, as they are dependent on it. Next is another entity declaration, this being a test bench for the counter. It is followed by a secondary unit dependent on it, a structural description of the test bench. Following this is a configuration declaration for the test bench. It refers to the previously defined library units in the working library, so no library clause is needed. Notice that the count2 entity is referred to in the configuration as work.count2, using the library name. Lastly, there is a configuration declaration for the test bench using the structural architecture of count2. It uses two library units from a separate reference library, misc. Hence a library clause is included before the configuration declaration. The library units from this library are referred to in the configuration as misc.t_flipflop and misc.inverter.

This design description includes all of the design units in one file. It is equally possible to separate them into a number of files, with the opposite extreme being one design unit per file. If multiple files are used, you need to take care that you compile the files in the correct order, and re-compile dependent files if changes are made to one design unit. Source code control systems can be of use in automating this process.

Figure 5-6 Complete design file