VHDL provides a facility to model outputs which may be turned off (for example tri-state drivers). A signal assignment may specify that no value is to be assigned to a resolved signal, that is, that the driver should be disconnected. This is done with a null waveform element. Recall that the syntax for a waveform element is:
waveform_element ::=
value_expression [ after
time_expression ]
null [ after time_expression ]
So an example of such a signal assignment is:
d_out <= null after Toz;
If all of the drivers of a resolved signal are disconnected, the question of the resulting signal value arises. There are two possibilities, depending on whether the signal was declared with signal kind register or bus. For register kind signals, the most recently determined value remains on the signal. This can be used to model charge storage nodes in MOS logic families. For bus kind signals, the resolution function must determine the value for the signal when no drivers are contributing to it. This is how tri-state, open-collector and open-drain buses would typically be modeled.