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I was born at the 1981, 30 July, in Donetsk Mother, Ilushina Nina Fyodorovna, worked as a engineer-technologist at the SRICA (scientific research institute of complex automation). At the present moment she is a housewife. Father, Baklanov Alexander Vitalievich, worked as a junior research assistant at the Donetsk Botanic Garden and headed a design group. In 1991 he wrote a master's thesis: "Ecological diagnosis of specific plantation composition and structure", where he applied the multivariate mathematical analysis of environment affection of the wood growth. Nowadays he works at the GIS technology field. He is sufficiently famous at the UIG (Union Independent Goverments) territory. Lots of my child impressions and memories are connected with the Botanic Garden. I often went to the holidays that were organized for staff's children. Here I made my debut as a singer (my sister-twins Kate and I sang song about taliped bear). Later we sang countless other wonderful songs which had been learned with daddy to the guitar. Possibly, since then scene and public performance has become an essential part of my life. As for visiting kindergarten and own sensation in it, I remember that I were very independent and frightless child. Often I liked to kick a ball with boys as well as play at midshipmen to band an own bow to the swing-boat instead of flag to the swing-boat. In 1991 I entered the school ¹ 33, where I've been studied till 1998. Studying at school I had an easy and jolly time. The fact was that I mixed excellent studies and not less interesting extracurricular activities. My most favorite subjects were physics (teacher Eduart Umrihin), Russian and literature (teacher Vera Radcheva), English (Olga Leonova). In 1996 at school was founded the School Republic of Beautiful and Kind Scholars, where I became the first school president. Constant meeting with new people, constant treks to the city and region children's organizations rallies, participation in the school and regional olympiads on mathematics, physics, history, chemistry, Russian and literature, culture contests and programs - all of this were making my school life - all that helped me to become sociable, fearless to assume responsibility and personality who is able to approach to the arising questions decision creatively. During all school period I was singing in ensembles. Firstly it was ensemble "Ulibka" (Cultural Center of Lenin), later - Ukrainian songs ensemble "Charivna pisnya" (Regional Children and Adults Creativity Palace). In August, 1995 being at list of ensemble "Charivna pisnya" I took part at the international festival of the Ukrainian songs which was hold Chernovtsy. This event became a turning-point of my appreciation of Ukraine as an uniform and independent state, and the Ukrainian as one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I graduated school in 1998 with a silver medal. And at the same year I entered DonNTU (Donetck National Technical University) (till 2001 it had been the state technical university), specialty "Economy of enterprise ". All family elected the decision on a high school and specialty choice. The basic decision criterions were high school prestige, settled traditions, methods of teaching and faculty members, opportunity of well-paid job (as long as scrupulous studying). As an excellent results of 1-st and 2-nd sessions I were excessed to the purposive form of studying with monthly increased grant charge. Student's life has justified my expectations: I have got in constantly updated, raging and progressive world which has united science, culture and human relations. Being a 1-st rate student I became the monitor of group EPR-98,b and had remained it up till 2003. In 2002-2003 studing year I entered magistracy. I've taken active participation in scientific and cultural life of university:
My extracurricular time I have devoted to Ukrainian culture development at the DonNTU. In 1999 I entered the art word studio "Sofiynist" created on the basis of a library department (head Dobrovol'skaja L.E.). During 1999 - 2003 period we showed number of performances: "Chaychovskiy and Pushkin", "The women at the T. G. Shevchenko's life", literary compositions about L.Ukrainka's. G. Skovoroda's, L.Kostenko's, O. Shevchenko's, etc. life and creativity. At the near-term perspective we are going to Taganrog with performances "Chaychovskiy and Pushkin" and "The women at the T. G. Shevchenko's life". Playing in the art word studio have helped me not only to realize the potential, but also to know our teaching stuff better. So, in 2002 - 2003 the studio in conjunction with student's club and was financial supported by superion of university organized holidays for the teaching staff, devoted to Christmas and March, 8 where we could communicate with our professors in informal conditions. Such eventful life, is seems, to distract to thesis writing. However, it is not so. The theme of mine thesis is "Improvement of profit management at enterprise". The rationale of the theme choice based on the statement that profit as the economic category still remains to one of the most important criteria of enterprise activity estimation and it's one of the important financial sources. Theme is to actual today and its development on chair of finance and banking has attracted special attention. So professor L. Ustinova and T. Chremly have investigated this question. Results of my theses, is supposed, will be applied to many large industrial enterprises, in particular to the cocechemistry enterprises. However, in my opinion, not only knowledge of economists are enough for successful enterprises development, but also engineers' knowledge which are prepared by our high school. From my point of view technical potential is incorporated in graduates of engineering departments. And it is not far off time when these specialties in conjunction with economists will be claimed for Ukrainian economic and industrial regeneration. Estimating the opportunities and ambitions, it would be desirable to believe, that in the future I'll accept active participation in society life and take the helm of one of the Donbass industrial enterprises. |