I was born in July, 30, 1981 in Donetsk.
Since first day of my life I was really lucky, and twice. First of all because, I was born in family of surprising people: mums Nina Fedorovna Ilushina and daddy Alexander Vital'evich Baklanov. And the second, because together with me my twin - Lena was born. Perhaps, anybody as these people had no such influence on my formation.
All of my family are very talented versatilly educated people. Mum and daddy have received higher education of biology and chemistry. And daddy has protected the master's thesis by the theme "Ecological diagnosis of specific plantation composition and structure" in 1985. Now he is engaged in geoinformation technologies, the professional programmer and he knows English very well.
My life was very interesting and sated from the earliest childhood. The best remembering from the childhood - our joint family rest in Shurovo. Each summer parents took the permit and for the whole month we had a rest on a nature. Since this time I have understood, how it is good to have the big good family where everyone use the best efforts for the boon others. And now i feel the pleasure of that days. This feeling incorporated in childhood, influences me today's: I understand, that the good rallied team - is the pledge of success of any business.
From early childhood parents learned me to independence in acceptance of decisions and to comprehension of the responsibility for these decisions. When I remembering time of my study at the comprehensive school N33, I can't recollect any day when parents supervised me in performance of home tasks, assignments. I understood importance of reception of good base of knowledge for receipt further in HIGH SCHOOL, and application this knowledge in a future life
Diligence in reception of knowledge, aspiration to be best, respects justified expectations of my parents and mine own. In the ninth class my sister and I were awarded with honour to receive the grant to the gifted children nominated by city administration.
Many thanks for my school teachers: to my first teacher Hatalach Galina Nikolaevna; my favourite teacher Lavrinovich Victoria Albertovna, which has lead us by a road of knowledge in 6-8 classes and to my class teacher in final classes Leonova Olga Michaylovna.
The help of these people and understanding of a problem of a correct choice has allowed me to finish school with the silver medal and powerful knowledge in 1998.
Leaving school has put us before a problem of high School choice. This choice determined my further destiny.
I had a lot of choices: biology, singing, modelling, computer facilities, economy... I had to make decision. And I chosen ECONOMY.
The place of the further study was unequivocal - high school with a history, good base of knowledge and traditions in an elected subject, which I will study. In 1998 I have entered to Donetsk state technical Institute, nowadays Donetsk National Technical University on the speciality "Economy of the enterprise ".
My student years was really successful:
- because of excellent marks my sister and I were transferred to the budget form of education after first course;
- when we were studied on the second course, Lena and I have taken part in interuniversity competition of student's work by philosophy (supervisor - assistant of "Philosophy" department Taranushenko B.N), where we had taken first price. Our theme of researching was : "The Spiritual world of the person in light of modernity";
- I have taken part in 2000 - in a regional (where I had taken the second place), and later in a allukrainian Olympiad by Management, which was spending on the basis of department "The Finance and bank business";
- in 2002 - took part in a conference by banking, which was spending in Odessa, with the report " Problem of management of percentage risk of commercial bank " (supervisor phd. Krivoberets Boris);
- in 2002 - took part in allukrainian Olympiad by the banking in Odessa;
- in May, 2002 I took part in meeting best students with the rector;
- the first semester of 5 course became most significant for me. In October, 2002 I was included to the ELITE of UNIVERSITY, because of excellent study during all term of study and contribution to development of creative potential of university;
- besides my report: "Ways of improvement of management of structure of the capital on the industrial enterprise (on an example Open Society "Donetskkoks")", which is directly connected with a theme of the thesis was named as the best report of section on IV international student's conference " Problems and prospects of becoming of a financial system of Ukraine", in Sevastopol;
- in 2003 has taken part in an interuniversity conference " ", Donetsk with the report "Improvement of a technique rating of an estimation of commercial banks ", supervisor assistant "Finance and bank business" department, Gurnak A.V.
Expansion of base of economy knowledge has allowed me to determine the directions, most interesting for me:
- bank business;
- research of problems of formation of structure of the capital on the industrial enterprise (my dissertation theme).
The theme of formation effective structure of the capital is one of the most actual now. The estimation of activity of many modern enterprises, and especially Ukrainian, has shown, that frequently they don't aspire to use mathematical methods in planning the basic parameters of development. And more less - at definition of such important parameter as structure of the capital.
The theme of capital management is studying in rates "Financial analysis", "Financial management".
Finishing university, I confidently look in the future. I know, that I can achieve everything, that sincerely want. Because I always have support of my remarkable family, advice's of my expensive teachers and excellent base of knowledge, which I ready to carry in adult life.