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Oleg V. Holder of a master's degree in business administration
with specialization "International economy" (DonNTU) |
Master's Thesis
"Business-Process Approach in Strategic Planning of Corporations"
Consultant: assistant professor Marina G. Chapala
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I was born the 14-th of August, 1982, in Gorlovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine. Mother - Elena N. Shaposhnikova, lecturer.
I learned to read and to write early: in 2,5 years old I could count till 10, and in 4 years old I could read and write. I had known a lot of poems of Marshak, Berns, Nosov till 5 years old. When I was being tested before graduating the secondary school #54, I showed an excelent knowledges in math, reading and writing on the level of 3-d grade, but I was taken only to the 2-nd grade. My first teacher was Olga D., who taught me to be a real schoolboy.
I liked studying in the school. The brightest affection among the subjects was called to math and reading. I started to go in for sport - soccer and table tennis.
From the 5-th grade (the 1-st of September, 1992) I studied in secondary school #48. It was found out, there were just wonderful teachers in this school. Especially, I liked math teacher - Irina Y. - outstanding pedagogue, who can explain even the most difficult questions of math in such a way, that it were not only understandable for anyone, but also anyone could approach it with creativeness and initiativeness. This teacher showed me beautiful world of math. Her motto were "Never think by rubber stamp", and this in some extend became and my motto as well. From this moment I have been studying math deeply, but I didn't forget about others subjects.
In the 1-st of September, 1992 I entered to Child's Music School #2 (Donetsk), where I studied in the class of accordion. I liked studying. Especially I liked classes of music literature, where we were listening for the music masterpieces of well-known composers, and classes of music orchestra. Studying in Music School had greatly liberalized me. I'd like to express a special gratitude to my orchestra head A.S. Karagodin. In May, 1996 I graduate Music School with honors.
Having studied in the secondary and music school , having interested in math, I had a little time for the sport, but I continued play table tennis in spare time.
In July, 1995 I entered in Donetsk Technical College (now Donetsk College). And from this moment the most interesting years of my school life started. There we were studied Teachers, Teacher with the capital letter of this word. G.A.Shtein, V.A. Chernishov, L.L. Potemkina, G.V. Vaiman, V.L. Savchenko - the most well-known teachers not only in Donetsk region, but, I think, in the whole Ukraine. I am very pleased to them. During studying in the college I kept on being interested in exact sciences: algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry. There I had seen a PC at first time, and after this teachers took me by force from the keyboard. I went in for math and programming. I took part in city competitions on math, physics, chemistry, computer science, and I always get the prize places. But in regional competitions I took part only on math - I should have concentrate on something one. In the 9-th grade I didn't take part in regional competition on math, because I was ill. In the 10-th grade I win 3-d place, and in 11-th grade - 1-st place in regional competition on math. In 11-th grade region administration grant me a scholarship, founded by J.Soros Fond.
In 10-th grade I entered to Donetsk sport bridge club. This game fascinate me, and from this time I constantly take part in region and all-Ukrainian competitions. In 2001 I got 2-nd rating class on sport bridge.
In 11-th grade I had to choose the high school for future education. The choice was between Donetsk State technical university (now DonNTU) and Moscow technical-technical university. But feeling of partriotism take me up, and I decided to enter to DonNTU. As I was interested in math and programming, I decided to enter to the faculty of computer science (FCS) or to the faculty of computer information technology and informatics (FCITI). I successfully passed the ratings to the speciality "Economical Cybernetic" and "Telecommunication systems". But then, after the Open Days of faculty of economy and management, I decided to enter the speciality "International economy", because about 40% of all courses, including math, is taught in foreign language. All courses, being taught at this speciality, are not only important for economists, but also give comprehensive knowledges in the field of international finance and international economic relations.
So, in September 1, 1998 I became a student of faculty of economy and management (FEM), speciality "International economy" (IBA department). During education in the university I, thanks to painstaking work of our lectures, have really got deep knowledges in foreign languages (English, German), economic theory, theory of international relations, finance and banking, accounting and auditing, business communication and so on. Special gratitude I would like to express to the next lectures, who really know their work: V.V. Dement'ev, F.I.Evdokimov, D.S. Zuhba, L.G.Levenets, A.A.Oleinikov, N.Y.Todorova, G.M.Usacheva, M.G.Chapala.
During 5 years I took part in All-Ukrainian student competition on math. I competed in the group of technical and polytechnic high schools and in the category of economical and technology specializations. My won places are illustrated in the next table.
Place in high school group
Place in speciality category
1 course
3 place
1 place
2 course
1 place
2 place
3 course
2 place
1 place
4 course
2 place
1 place
I owes with my successes to not only teachers in the school, but also to the lectures of high math department of DonNTU, and especially I am thankful to the chief of high math department, prof. Yuri L.Nosenko for belief in me and provided help.
As for programming is concerned, I also decided to keep interested in it. I learned, that in DonNTU it is possible to get to specialities simultaneously. I chose the speciality "Software for Computer-Based Systems", because students of this speciality most deeply programming. I am thankful to the lectures of applied math and programming department (AMP) for the interesting cognitive lessons, for those lessons, that they put in us.
Thus, as a result of education in university I get two diplomas of high education: master's diploma of economy with specialization "International economy" and specialist diploma on speciality "Software for Computer-Based Systems".
Being curious man, I would like to be a scientist or innovation manager.