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Vladimir Faculty of Economy and manadgment Faculty of Management and the economic right Group MO - 98a (Management of the organization) |
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I was born April, 20, 1981 in city Donetsk. In 1983 in connection with change of a place of work of parents we have moved on other end huge at that time the countries, namely to the Magadan area Susumansky area settlement ARES. There I have lived within 3th years about which I practically nothing I remember, except for huge hills, mountains of snow, flights of mosquitoes and a midnight sun.
In 1987 I have gone to study to high school #140, by then I with parents have returned to Donetsk. One of the best memoirs are connected to school at me in my life as it was likely most carefree time in my life. Study was given to me easily and consequently I practically perfectly well, not applying to studied in this of special efforts. Than the school, it likely by constant participation in regional and city Olympiads in mathematics and physics in which frequently occupied prize-winning places, and school theatrical statements was remembered. Behind walls of school my constant hobby sports were: hand-to-hand fight and football. But faster this hobby was for itself, than in hope for sports career.
In 1996 I have finished 9 classes and entered in Donetsk regional school of radio electronics at the Society of assistance to defense of Ukraine. This period of life was remembered to me by constant meditations on a theme: whom to me to be and where studies? On the first question I have found the answer rather quickly. As during study I have understood what to work with people to me it is pleasant little bit more than with engineering, and I have good enough organizing abilities, therefore my speciality became " Management of the organization ". The answer to the second question searched long and carefully. But finally, after set of excellent recommendations on the part of familiar has stopped the choice on the most old and largest High school of Donbass still Donetsk the state technical university. Now it Donetsk national technical university .
Study at university in spite of the fact that studies sometimes it was hard: still there was a second specialty - " Information managing systems and technologies " has left set of good memoirs. On the first rate alongside with study was engaged in triathlon, has without effort received the category, but has soon realized, that it is necessary to be engaged something one. Therefore sports have remained behind. After that there was a constant participation in high school competitions of scientific works, participation in conferences and publications. I had not time to look back as 4 years of study, and bacalavr examination have remained behind, and I have decided to continue training, but already in quality master.
Theme of my master's work: " Perfection of organizational structures of management by the personnel ". My supervisor is PhD, Associated Prof. of faculty "Management and the economic right" Kachan Igor. The choice of a theme is caused by that in my opinion tightened on set of the enterprises crisis is connected, first of all, with inefficient work with the personnel. Despite of set of the literature in this occasion, I think that, separate theoretical questions remain insufficiently worked and their practical realization is rather inconvenient. The theme of work coincides with a direction of scientific researches of my faculty: " Perfection of the organizational - economic mechanism of operation of business ".
Concerning science now I do not build the further plans as to work in real sector to economy to me more as desirable: it is more than opportunities as for professional, and material growth; but nevertheless it does not exclude an opportunity will return to science. I know, that knowledge received by me and my persistence will allow me to start the professional career on various posts. Basically I already know where I shall start most soon professional work.
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