I was born on June 23, 1981 in Donetsk area in city Enakievo.
The mum - Orlova Valentina Vasilievna - assistant of the chief а department autometic control system enterprise on technical maintenance of joint-stock company "NORD". The daddy - Orlov Jury Konstantinovich - senior lecturer of faculty management information system of Donetsk National Technical university.
I always was engaged itself, but sometimes in the creative tasks I was helped by my grandmother - Orlova Tamara Gavrilovna.
My sister Olja was born 30.10.85. She has gone in the steps the parents and sister and studies now on the first rate in DonNTU as a speciality "Information managing systems". Her large enthusiasm - cultivation of cactuses.
Has passed in city Enakievo and the certain events till now are very bright in my memoirs. First of all - May holidays: demonstrations, sea of colours, small flag and huge spheres; dialogue with a nature - when wood fiber has taken a nut from my hand; the tax of huge white mushrooms in Slavjanogorsk, which then long dreamed to me and simply closing eyes I saw MUSHROOMS!
In 1998 I have finished school №37 with distinction, but without a medal (probably because of character, or may be …). At school I went on volleyball. In this game I very much liked submissions.
I studied in a mathematical class and my teacher on mathematics was Shigolev Ivan Petrvich. By the way, then he became the teacher of year. Besides that he can solve the task in several ways, he plays on bayan, writes verses. You can not to yourselves it present, but we with him solved tasks of Soros Olympiad orally (in mind) and on these occupations to us in school came teachers from many schools of area. Ivan Petrovich has written a lesson in verses (that is decision of the mathematical tasks in the poetic form).
Also with Ivan Petrovich we arranged at school long evenings and went in small campaigns with for night in small forest behind the Donetsk sea.
I very much loved mathematics - after 9-th class I have solved independently textbook on algebra behind 10-th and on geometry for 10, 11 classes, but without knowledge, which I would receive from Ivan Petrovich I has not come in ten on regional Olympiad on mathematics.
If to speak about school in general, I studied at three schools:
· 1-st class was in children's garden in city Enakievo (I have gone to 1-st class per 6 years);
· 2 class was in school №22 of city Enakievo;
· from 3-rd till 8-th class I studied in school №26 of town Donetsk;
· from 8-th till 11 class - in school № 37 (now versatile Liceum).
Concerning achievement at school it is necessary to note, that I have letters with distinction for 2, 3, 4, 6, 7-th classes, and also letter from 29.09.91 for the engaged third place in run on a distance 500 м, devoted to machinist's day. During study at school I have finished rates cut and sewing, and also went on ball dances.
I am very grateful to all teachers, which helped me in study, and especially my first teacher Horugenko Valentina Nikolaevna and teacher of mathematics Shigolev Ivan Petrovich.
In 1998 I have acted in DonNTU on a speciality of a management information system having typed a through passage number on ratings.
The choice of the given university and specialities is caused, on the one hand, by that my parents have finished DPI (DonNTU), speciality of a management information system, and the mum was student at the daddy. The daddy till now teaches on faculty FCIT&A (his rates: "Numerical methods", "Operational systems", "Mathematical methods of research of operations" etc.). On the other hand, during study at school in mass-media was more information about DPI (DonNTU), than about other high schools. Also in that time the team DPI played in club cheerful, that too has influenced my choice of high school.
I have finished four rates with the red bachelor's degree of computer sciences, but with one 4 in test book - on mathematics, which to me has put Degtjarev Valery Stepanovich (I shall remind, that, first, I at school studied in a mathematical class, secondly, has arrived on a rating "mathematics", thirdly, at me in that time was enthusiasm - to solve mathematical tasks), therefore I shall not forget him!
On the second rate I have acted on the second speciality "Finance" (at faculty Improvement of professional skill DonNTU). On faculty "the Finance and bank business" in 2003 I have protected bachelor's diploma in a theme " Enterprise risks and methods of management by them (in conditions of joint-stock company "NORD")" and has received the red bachelor's degree, and now I study as the expert.
As on the second speciality I - future financier, it has caused the offer of my chief master's work, basing on knowledge of two specialities "Management information system" and "Finance" to take by a theme of master's work development of a subsystem of effective distribution of financial resources of the enterprise. The idea of creation of the given subsystem belongs to my chief-senior lecturer from faculty of a management information system Svetlichhoy V.A., method of realization idea is chosen by the student Orlova S.
I always wanted to work in sphere of economy and finance, from childhood I liked to be near to the grandmother and to observe of her work (she was the bookkeeper), but now time of computers and computer engineering, therefore I have chosen two specialities and consequently my basic speciality - Management information system. I'll work on the second speciality, I want perfectly to own colloquial English language (also will not prevent German) and I know, that at me ALL to turn out, as I WANT it!!!