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Theme of the master's thesis:
Never have I had the lack of care and attention as well as number of people, who tried to bring me up….. The preschool years have passed under the steadfast control the grandmother, universal care of the grandfather and vigilant view of the parents. The kindergarten has passed aside my first, not quite conscious, years of life.
The beginning of school years though has brought some variety to measured life of the home-child, but still has not left bright impressions, except for excitements before reception of the sheets at the end of each quarter (it has often somehow stood a mark "Satisfactory" in the column "Behaviour"). For to get me acquainted with the world of art my parents have taken me to the musical school, which I have successfully finished, having pressured a lot, with my assiduous attempts to play, on nerves and ears of my relatives. Simultaneously, with school education I have followed the lessons of the English and German languages with the tutors. Thus, the major part of childhood I have spent not in the yard playing with other children, but sitting over the books, now I do not regret even a bit about that!
The next step in my life was the matriculation to the Donetsk Technical College. Right from that moment has started a completely new and filled with impressions college life! A physical - mathematical class: endless number of the equations, which all members of our class have been trying to solve faster then others during the breaks or while visiting theatre or philharmonic. Moreover, being not completely left in quiet by the teachers of literature, history or foreign languages, were we involved not only in educational process. Always long-awaited holidays, on preparation of which we have been spending as much time as on the equation solving, taken from very old and used up to the holes tutorial "Skanavi", have been spent very noisy, passed very quickly and left unforgettable impression.
And finally while staying at the prom night with the certificate in my hands it was both sadly and joyfully to look back and to recollect the very first difficulties, achievement and victories, which have occurred in this precious to my heart educational institution. Unfortunately, as the years go by, I see my former classmates less and less often, but the only tradition is still followed by our class - to meet together on birthday of our curator.
The first year at the University I studied at faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology, and then have occasionally found out about an exam being carried out to form the group with strengthened studying of the English language at the faculty of Economics and Management. I have passed an exam through and at the same time understood that you should never neglect any chance and should always move towards your goal, which even may seem unreal! From that moment has begun the carefree student's life, I was constantly told that I would understand how good it was after graduation - they appear to be right. The knowledge perception process, which I tried not to resist, has been passing rather smoothly and fascinatingly. The shocks and obstacles from, as always unexpectedly coming sessions, in our group were overcome by the joint efforts of the whole group, what frequently did leave the teachers no alternative but to except an exam and to estimate the knowledge of the most students with the treasured mark "excellent". So, having received already more then several tens of these "excellent", having saved a mountain of the abstracts and considerable amount of knowledge, having learned a lot of new people and estimated a huge patience and efforts of the teachers, I am coming to the final stage of my educational process.
It has appeared to be easy to chose an area of research (investment), it was more difficult to define the most urgent problem in the given area, and nevertheless after painful searches the topic of diploma thesis the "How to attract foreign investments in the economy of Ukraine".
In the future I will try to carry out all my plans, overloaded with ambitions!
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