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Baranovskaya Nataliya

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Baranovskaya Nataliya

"Management of efficiency of functioning of the enterprise"

The scientific chief: the candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer Ruban T.

"The piracy rules the world..."

     I always liked games in pirates, feature films about adventures and searches of treasures, about fights elphes with dragons. Therefore my life is represented to me by travel during a life which purpose is search treasure. To find it it is necessary to pass set of roads, to float huge quantity of the seas and oceans, to win powerful sorcerers and terrible dragons. And to make it under force only to the pirate. Therefore in the future I am presented myself by the terrible captain. But while I only sea girl…

     I was born in the solar day on June, 24, 1982. My parents Baranovskie Valery and Lyudmila wanted, that at them the boy was born, but the girl with boyish character and persistence was born. In a kindergarden I fighted with boys and played machines. But so rough childhood has not affected in any way my abilities in study. Since four years as soon as I has learned to read, I stayed behind books for hours. Certainly, firstly me interested exclusively a picture, but then the maintenance of books me grasped all more and more.

     Desire to learn the world through books and thirst for knowledge have allowed me to be the "round" honours pupil at school. From school years to me my first and most favourite teacher Grin Elena was most of all remembered. She imparted to us, still children, aspiration to develop and grow spiritually. The senior classes have flown by, as one instant. I always was in the center of all school actions, have visited as the commander of a class and have passed inveterate sportsmen. For this time I have had time to receive a yellow belt on karate, have learned to float and play the big tennis. The set of regional Olympiads in all school subjects without exception was still remembered. And after a turn of the written compositions and the decided problems has merged in final examinations, and here on final to ball to me already hand over a gold medal.

     Before receipt in university I dreamed to be the doctor, the teacher, an actress, the singer and simply a star. But nevertheless the choice has fallen on economy. And though it was a choice of more parents, I have decided to prove and to them and, that I can be the best everywhere. Therefore I have directed all forces for study. Certainly, I not the best, but "excellent" estimations and respect of teachers allow me to hope, that not too all and is bad. I have quickly understood, not without reason everyone speak that student's years the best and cheerful. The new people, new knowledge - all this forces to perceive the old world completely in a new fashion.

     To study appeared not only it is simple, but also it is incredibly interesting. Most of all I was involved with that in economic sciences there are no "iron canons". Here the creative approach and ability are very important to think. Likely due to this to me has not made huge work to receive the bachelor's degree with distinction. But to stop on it to me it seemed blasphemous and consequently I have decided to act in a magistracy. First, I was involved with an opportunity of reception of new knowledge. And second, well unless it is not pleasant - to carry a rank of the master of economic sciences?

     But to receive this rank, it is necessary to work well. Result of these works becomes masters work. In its spelling I am helped by the head of my degree project, the senior lecturer of faculty "the Finance and a banking", Cand.Econ.Sci. Ruban Tatyana. My masters work is devoted to a theme of efficiency of functioning of the enterprises in conditions of market economy. As this theme more, than is actual now, I hope, that the recommendations developed by me will find worthy application not only on a paper, but also in real business.

     But with it all is clear. There is a question: "And how about hobbies?" Only it is enough of It. Books involve me till now. And it is pleasant to read completely all: from old children's fairy tales and a fantasy up to the popular scientific and historical literature. Music, cinema, picnics on the nature with friends, sports automobiles. In it I do not differ originality. And here one more and the most important my hobby is the computer. Many years is main my assistant practically in all undertakings. And when has appeared Internet, I have understood, that I want to learn to create sites. And here now besides economic formation I receive also professional computer on a speciality WEB-design.

     What will be my future? With what activity I shall connect the life? All this is interesting not only to associates, but also me. In soul I the true pirate, therefore every day is marked by a birth of new ideas. And that them to embody in a reality at me there is a lot of time. In fact the life only begins. And besides it is necessary to prove still to everything, that the piracy rules the world!…

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