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Lysenko Andrey Alexandrovich |
Faculty: | Economy and management |
Speciality: | Economy of the enterprise |
Group: | EPR 99à |
E-mail: | |
Theme of masters work: |
«The taxation of the profit of juridical persons» |
The supervisor of studies: the candidate of economic sciences, the senior lecturer of "Finances and banking business" department V.N. Antonenko |
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 I was born 5th of September, 1981 in Makeyevka Donetsk area. Father, Lysenko Alexander Georgievich, and mother, Kordina Lyudmila Alexandrovna, in 1981 finished with distinction Makeyevka's engineering construction institute (today DonSACA - Donetsk state academy of construction and architecture). Father was retained on faculty as younger scientific employee of SRS and as the assistant, then he was transferred to the work in Makeyevka's house-building combine. Mother at once upon ending of institute was directed to a project institute of city of Donetsk. At the moment of disbandment of institute in middle of 90th years the post of conducting engineer held. Now father works in a civil engineering firm as the chief of a building site, and mum the economist in the rent enterprise "Donetskgorteploset".
These people, certainly, played, play and will play a leading role in my life. Many thanks to them for those moral principles, sights on some sides of life, which they in me have put. Thank them for all-round help and support. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
In life I adhere the following principle: "What for to be engaged something if not to aspire to the best".
Probably, bases for formation of this principle were laid already in the early childhood. One of the bright and remembered moments was studying spelling in an initial class. To write a line of one letter of the alphabet on the clean copy, I used up this letter on 2-3 sheets of a draft copy. (It was the unique period when parents supervised me in performance of the domestic tasks and preparation for study. In further I received only the necessary consulting help). Such diligence has born the own fruits. With distinction completed year, praises of teachers, and respect on the part of schoolmates (let the Reader for immodesty will forgive me) have allowed to realize that fact, that only it is possible "to make own forces themselves" and to lift on more high level of social hierarchy. The opinion, that "the more and effective efforts, the above received effect" also was generated. Together with it came the understanding of necessity of reception of qualitative education, because the more you know, the more you can.
After the ending of the third class our family has moved to Donetsk. I have continued the training in a comprehensive school ¹20, considered as one of the best not only in area, but also in city. After perfectly well completed year of studying I was enlisted in an experimental class which was completed only with pupils with excellent and good advanced. Study in an atmosphere of a healthy competition on the part of schoolmates, the high level of received knowledge has caused the further successes in sphere of education. Since the eighth form participation in district and regional Olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry, the general and social and economic geography, thanks to the specified factors and own diligence by preparation, turned to prize-winning places. In the eleventh form I was awarded with honour to receive a gift from the mayor of City V.V.Ryibak, and also the grant appointed regional council, within the framework of the program "Gifted children".
However my life did not become isolated on education. I was the usual boy with interests' peculiar to age, cares and problems. One of the bright and integral part of my life are sports. I actively was engaged in football, basketball, swimming, let alone all "domestic games". Since the tenth class, three years has devoted to the American football game. In structure of a young team more than once I became the winner of the championship of Donetsk. Also there were victorious performances at higher professional level on Ukrainian and international scene. At the present moment, even in conditions of constant shortage of time, I try to not miss an opportunity to go in a training hall, to play in football or to swim for a while in pool.
Most likely, the memories on school would not be such bright, if not participation in sports and cultural and mass actions, among which various command competitions at school, regional and city levels. And also solo participation in a role of one of chief of artistic evenings, competitions, school holidays. It is necessary to note, active or even stormy and bright life of a class which, is especial last years, has swallowed up me completely, and till now as it seems to me does not let off (each meeting of graduates is a holiday). As well as should be apogee of a school holiday of life there was last bell and a final ball. Subsequently in my life there were many celebratings, but that with such soul's sank, violence of feelings no more else. I think, at whom was not final ball that "really" did not leave school.
So, I have left school in 1999 with a gold medal. For successes in study was awarded with the diploma of the President of Ukraine to "the honours Pupil of study ".
About the destiny after leaving school I began serious to reflect already in the third quarter 11 classes. In cause on results of a rating in March was enlisted on first course DonSACA on a speciality "Industrial and civil construction". But constant conversations in a circle of schoolmates about high schools of Donetsk and perspective specialities on which "it is impossible to act without money and connections" kindled certain "spark of passion" - it would be desirable to prove, first of all, to itself, that it is capable to achieve so "the inaccessible purpose", basing only on the forces. Having studied the list of Donetsk high schools (it was small as I paid attention only to the state high schools) I have stopped on two: Donetsk state technical university (further DonSTU) and Donetsk state university (already to these universities the status national is appropriated). The basic criteria of a choice were prestige of the high school, the settled traditions, methods of teaching, material base, an opportunity of reception of a high level of knowledge.
However DonSTU was known also for the bright achievements in sphere of public life, in particular Club cheerful and resourceful (future KVN), which so suited me, and besides gave an opportunity to receive a military rank, in case of training on military faculty DonSTU and successful finishing it.
In 1999 I have acted on faculty of economy and management (further FEM) DonSTU on a speciality "Economy of the enterprise" in budgetary group. The most powerful arguments on that moment were conditions of environmental validity, perspectivity of economic education, some universality of a chosen speciality and, of cause, prospect of work at the large enterprise.
The habitual unwillingness to go in cycles one study pushed me to versatile public life already from the first course. All began from participation in competition " he Debut of the first-year student", then upon termination of the first course active participation in becoming team KVN FEM DonSTU. Successful statement of the team on inside university's arena has resulted in association with not less successful team of electrotechnical faculty and to creation of combined team KVN DonSTU "Wanted".
With KVN the most part of the bright moments of my student's life is connected. It, first of all, lots of friends, both in Donetsk, and in other cities of Ukraine. Second, I up to the specified moment never left for limits of Donetsk area, thanking KVN it was possible to visit, as at times it seems to me, in all coners of Ukraine. Besides each exit game for each participant of our team was event, if You want - a holiday, always with the new emotions, new acquaintances and new knowledge.
But KVN for us it was not limited only to visitor games. Successful performances in Association KVN of Ukraine caused desire to act for "native" Donetsk spectators that was poured out in participation in festivals in frameworks Interleague (Donetsk league KVN), take part in various parties in Donetsk clubs in different concerts on cities of Donetsk area.
Since the second course in a role of the original trainer (most likely "assistant - adviser") "the Debut of the first-year student" directly took part in preparation of teams of first-year students FEM for performance in competition. It is pleasant to note, that for three years of a teams of first-year students FEM have occupied accordingly the second and the two first places. Also was the direct organizer of days of faculty FEM and similar student's actions. On the third course was appointed to the post proforg of faculty FEM by a cultural and mass part. Looking back on the described four years, I can tell, that KVN gave me much: except for lots of friends and positive emotions also practical experience - skill to work in a team, experience of organizing work, has developed communicative abilities and some skill of performance front the big audience.
Now I'm not play any more in KVN although a word I "play" a little does not approach, KVN became a part of the certain condition of soul. The majority of participants of our team work now in the serious organizations, therefore at many does not remain to time or opportunities for Game, however we frequently gather and we cooperate with our younger successors "Wanted".
Very often active participation in so stormy public life entered the conflict to process of reception of education. However motivations as the raised stipend increased with each perfectly completed semester, and aspiration to reception of a good level of knowledge aggravated diligence, persistence and is frequent "prolonged nights".
Thus, by results of perfectly completed first and second courses I without special efforts have acted on military faculty DonNTU which has with distinction finished in 2003 in a rank of the second lieutenant.
In sphere of participation in scientific life of faculty it is possible to note the following:If to present process of becoming of the person as erection of a multi-storey building, that, finishing university, I can tell, that in my building the strong base is already incorporated and reliable ground floors are erected. It is considered, that the doctrine is a continuous process. At school and at university I studied each minute, and education is meant by itself, I studied in "life" - studied to achieve the purpose, to compete, somewhere to adapt, somewhere to dictate conditions, to make of the decision, to not surrender before difficulties. University as against school, that basically is natural, has learned the greater independence, for example, precisely was realized the picture of necessity of the account of the responsibility for the accepted decision and its consequences, was possible to look at some sides of life from more mature positions so has come the understanding of that "mind well arranged is better than mind well filled" (M.Monten). Unfortunately, if per school days environmental relations were simple and open, now it was necessary to face with hypocrisy, cynicism … (forgive me Reader further to continue it would not be desirable). Thus, in the modern period there was one more direction of training, the most important is probably, - "As in conditions of the severe environmental validity to keep in itself of the Person?".
- in 2001 has received Certificate of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine DonSTU for successfully handed over examination in the English language in the program " HEADWAY Intermediate ".
- participation in 2002 in regional Olympiad on management in the industrial sphere spent on the basis of faculty "the Finance and a banking" where without what or preliminary preparation it was possible to take the fourth place;
- participation in 2003 in Ukrainian scientific student's conference "Live issues of management in modern conditions" with the report "Problems and prospects of development of system of the taxation of the profit of juridical persons in Ukraine" (the supervisor of studies the candidate of economic sciences, the senior lecturer of faculty "the Finance and a banking" V.N.Antonenko);
- it is pleasant to note, that in October, 2002 I was included in "elite of university", for excellent study during all term of training and the contribution to development of creative potential of university;
- in July, 2003 upon termination of fourth course FEM DonSTU has received the bachelor's Degree with distinction. Graduation examination was not difficult, but preparation was difficult. However as they say " it is hard in the doctrine - easily in fight ", in result I began the first on a speciality, having answered on 83 % from hundred fifty test questions on an investigated course.
During five years the sensation of "adult life" more and more caused desire of reception of the additional income. However employment of students, now I can tell it with confidence, - an actual problem. It was one of the most powerful pushes for creation at faculty of the structure providing the decision given and other actual problems of students and youth of region as a whole. So, at direct participation the assistant to the dean FEM Kravchenko S. I., two students of a speciality "Economy of the enterprise" have created youth public organization, which after a semi-annual spadework in the beginning of 2004 started the work. One of the lacks that have opened to me, already at a stage of a spadework and registration of the organization, the big break between the received theoretical base and its practical application was.
The choice of a theme of masters works was proved by an economic situation usual in Ukraine. Economic transformations in the country and her economic improvement impossible without formation of capable tax system. For today the system of the taxation accumulates in itself interests of different social groups, representatives of different kinds of activity. Opportunities of economic development of the state depend on efficiency, stability, a transparency and other principles of system of the taxation, economic and investment activity of tax-payers. That fact, that an end result of activity of the majority of managing subjects is profit, makes "the tax to profit" - by the most powerful state regulator of economic processes. The fact, that the state with the help of one lever - the tax to profit - not simply can influence but also operate the economic processes occurring in the country, already deserves on were considered and named actual for modern transitive the period of economy of Ukraine. Thus it is necessary to note, that effective activity of the majority of juridical persons in many aspects depends on revealing an optimum parity of a part of the state and a share of the proprietor in the income of the last. Like that, a theme of mine masters works "The taxation of the profit of juridical persons".
Naturally upon ending of university, it agrees the ambitions the purposes are already generated and I think, that I can reach and achieve them the best result "otherwise what's the use of doing something…"
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