Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty of economics and management
Speciality: "Book keeping and audit "
Student Yarovenko Diane Vladimirovna
The topic of a master thesis: " Improvement of the tax on profit registration "
Supervisor: candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer of the faculty Bilyaze Lubov Petrovna
I was born on the 2nd of January, 1982 in the town of Mospino. My family - mother, father, older
sister and I - had a house and a kitchen garden, which was full of flowers. I especially
remember large camomiles, in "thicket" of which, as my sister recollects, I loved to sing a
song " Clouds - white horses " (thus the letter "l" remained unmastered for me at the time).
My mother, Lubov Georgievna, at that time worked and now still continues to work as a the chief
accountant of "Vostokuglemash-RMZ" ltd. The post, occupied by her predetermined my choice of
the future profession. The thing is that being a child, coming to my mother's work, I happened
to be an involuntary listener of, as it then seemed, extremely "clever" dialogues with key
words: "debit", "credit", "balance" etc. (which are still important to me even now). So,
listening to conversations of my mum and her co-workers - people, with so easily "juggling" with
the terms " of a high degree of complexity " - I have given myself a "firm" promise, that having
grown up I can communicate with them on equal.
My father, Vladimir Viktorovich, honourly earned the seniority of the miner and is now a
pensioner. The main memories of childhood are connected with the image of my father, - minute of
pleasure, when daddy ussed to come back from work, opened an entrance door, and I ran up and
jumped to his hands, strongly embracing his neck, then my mother and sister used to say straight
after me: " Hurrah, dear father of a dear daughter has come! ", that was explained quite
naturally: I - a girl (which, as it is known, love their father more), I am younger (and it is
known that they are spoiled more than senior children).
By the way about adults, my sister, Victoria Vladimirovna, both tutor and psychologist by
education and mother in addition (that, in turn, defines me as an aunt of my nephew, Arthur, a
promising schoolboy of the second form at school №150). Nevertheless a true calling to my sister
is poetry, which fruits, I hope, in due course will become accessible not only to the members of
our family, close relatives and friends, but to others also.
However, main "originator" of my bright, light and joyful childhood was my grandmother, Maria
Naumovna. Those careless and rich days which were spent at my grandmother's in summer, have formd
the light side of my character. The time, shrouded up in warmth, tenderness and care of my
grandmother are always recalled: minutes of grief or pleasure, failure or success.
When I was 3 years old, we have moved to an apartment of a 9-storeyed house in a Proletarian
district of Donetsk, which is a parental house and a residential place for me today. I was sent
to a kinder-garden, which is associated with 2 things to me: firstly, with supernatural abilities
in area of athletics (in other words: " to run, to run and once again to run, doc! ") and,
secondly, namely in the kinder-garden I had my first and, as appeared in future, not last
experience of leading different events, and subsequently many other holidays at school in our
The primary school was noted the diplomas with honours and saddened by the characteristic of my
behaviour as satisfactory. It was the first but not the last paradox caused partially, " by
features of national character ": I wanted and could study with excellently and thus did not
want and could not go to sleep straight after " the children's time was finished ", to get up in
the early morning, to stand quietly during the breaks. Therefore " a subject for soul " has been
and is physical culture (although, a place of action and sports form have changed - now it dance
pavillion and mainly jeans clothes, however there's still something in common - the
trainers !).
Main results of studying in the senior forms, which subsequently developed my abilities to
generalization, comparison and analysis became firstly, a skill to make short plan of a material,
that was given on history lessons and, secondly, a development of logic on maths lessons. I
think that these abilities are one of the main preconditions of one's analytical thinking
development, which, in it's turn, enables to creatively approach a question and solve a problem;
i.e. not simply to know, but to apply one's knowledge to improve, create something new.
I have to confess, that despite the promise, given to myself (to master my mum's profession), a
choice, which is made by each "former" schoolboy, concerning the future profession and
University, was wavered between three directions:
- Institute of foreign languages (humanitarian disciplines),
- National university (physics and mathematical faculty),
- National technical university (speciality " book keeping and audit ").
But, if I felt
obvious abilities to the first two, the third direction remained a riddle, so I could not refuse
from the pleasure to solve it.
On the second year of studying at DonNTU, I was convinced of the right choice, made by me. You
see, having chosen the third direction, I have received a unique opportunity not only to master
completely new (book keeping, audit, economy, the finance, computer technologies and much
another), but also to deepen available knowledge in the field of mathematics and foreign
language (in other words: " I killed two rabbits! ").
Spasmodic nature of a studying process causes some inevitable parts: "rises" and "falls". To
"falls" I attribute: four "fours" in the bachelor's diploma and basic, instead of necessary
knowledge of such disciplines, as "political economy", "microeconomics" and "macroeconomics"
(students, never trust the one, who will tell you, that this knowledge will not be useful!). My
"rises" are: transforming from the contract form of studying to a budget one on the third year
as an encouragement for excellent studying, successful participation in various conferences and
contests and, as result, my being accepted for a masters course. However, all these are not
"egfoachievements", because a huge role in development of this process belongs to my teachers,
the teachers by a principle of book keeping, teachers of "domination of essence above the form ";
you can say about them that they are teachers by calling and only then by post. So, I won't
forget fascinatingly - cognitive lectures on book keeping by Starodubsev Yevgeniy Valentinovich,
lectures on higher mathematics by KosilovaYelena Fedorovna, lectures on the modern economic
concepts, based only on actual tendencies, with elements of philosophy, by Dementev Vyacheslav
Valentinovich, lectures on the economic and financial analysis, based on critical approach to
studying the nature of an object, by Gavrilenko Valentin Andreyevich, and also lectures, unique
organizing abilities and human kindness of my supervisor, Bilyaze Lubov Petrovna!
Unfortunately or fortunately (it is not yet known), I, as well as majority of Capricorns by
Zodiac, choosing between successful career and home, will put an accent on the first, as the
majority of future masters, I aspire to occupy a place among the post-graduate students of the
department and subsequently to teach. However, latter is caused not only and not so much by
aspiration to scientific activity, as by huge desire and abilities, to teach children,
schoolboys, students. " To carry knowledge to masses "; to participate in organization of
various forms of checking of the given knowledge; to interest, to stimulate and motivate to
deepen one's knowledge - this sort of activity is desirable to me. I would like to participate
in organization and writing the artickles for the student's newspaper of the department of
accounting and audit (this kind of abilities passed aprobation in writing articles for various
conferences, and also in scientific research of the student). Also, there are certain studies on
a technique of definition of best 4th and 5th year students and desire to organize purposeful,
consistent, systematized preparation for participation in prestigious contest on book keeping
and audit, which will annually be held at Zhitomir state technological university, and also in
other similar events with the purpose of increasing the rating of our university.
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