The article theme is "Determination of ecological efficiency of transformation heating boiler in the mini-TEC" within the framework of III International scientific conferences of graduate students and students to subjects "Surrounding ambience Protection and rational using of the natural resources".
Subject of article is consideration of problem of inefficient and irrational work town boiler in consequence of work on powers, which are vastly below nominal. As a result - a big specific consumption of fuel to the unit of working out energy, leading also to increased amount of bad surges in atmosphere.
For this project where taken concrete boiler №1 in Krasnoarmeysk. The translation of a boiler in the mini-TEC offered, due to that will be possible to enlarge a load and to organize cogeneration (joint production of heat and electrical energy), which also, will raise efficiency and economy of production of energy.
Difference in the expenses of conditional fuel, kg, under site heat provision from boiler and TEC when there is presenting the same amounts of heat to abonents, Qa, GJ:
- heating boiler and boiler mini-TEC coefficient of efficiency;
- heat network of boiler and mini- TEC coefficient of efficiency.
Calculation on this formula allows to do an approximation of fuels economy in connection with transition on the mini-TEC and for boiler №1 will form near 1 mln. of m3 a year. As A Result, surges will reduce (a year):
carbon dioxide - on 911 thousand m3;
carbon monoxide - on 268 m3;
oxideses of nitrogen - on 402 m3
As A Result, if such action to use at least in scales of Donbas for all boilers, working at lowered loads, this will give a real economic and ecological effect.