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Sergey Nikolaevich Romaschenko
Faculty "Computer information technologies and automatics" Chair of "Electronic technics" Group PE-99"a" Subject master's work: "Ground and development of structure of the electronic checking system of milk quality parameters" The supervisor: c.t.l. the associate professor of chair of "Electronic technics" of Valentin Dmitrievich Korenev E-mail: traxtor@netman.ru |
I was born on May 5, 1982 in city Pripyat of the Kiev area. My father: Nickolay Ivanovich Romaschenko (1956). My mother: Galina Pavlovna Romaschenko (1959). But, in connection with incident on Chernobyl station in 1987 has moved to city of Donetsk, where and reside till now.
On September 1, 1989 I became a pupil of the school N135. In this school I spent next 10 years of my life. Now I want to tell about my favourite teachers in the school. Here they are: teacher of the physics Svetlana Petrovna and the teacher of mathematics Natalia Alexyevna Polteva. I want to thank tnem and other teachers of my school. Physics and mathematics was my favourite subjects. Actually, I liked exact sciences more then humanitarian disciplines. Certainly, study at school left enough free time with which I spent with my friends. Since the first class I on tried myself in many kinds of sports: swimming, athletics, handball, volleyball, hockey and others.
After graduating the school the question of choice of future profession and life way is appeared. After prolonged reflections I decided to enter in Donetsk State Technical University now Donetsk National Technical University.
In 1999 has handed over entrance examinations and has acted on Faculty Computer Information Technology and Automatics, speciality PE (Electronic systems). The choice was affected by that this faculty is one of strong faculties of University and prepares the experts in the field of the automated control systems, information and network technologies. On a sort of received knowledge after ending training the student to become the expert of a wide structure, and can work in various industries, as on a number with base disciplines in a rate of training enters profound study of such subjects, as algorithmic languages of programming special sections of mathematics, electronics, circuitry, microprocessor engineering and there are a lot of other interesting subjects. Studying on этам faculty 4 years I never have regretted about a choice of the speciality.
In year 2003 I received the diploma of bachelor and now studying of magistracy. A theme of my dissertation: " Ground and development of structure of the electronic checking system of milk quality parameters". In the given theme I am engaged on cathedra of electronic technics under instruction of Valentin Dmitrievich Korenev.
Hereinafter, as well as any other master, after long researches, I would like to construct not only theoretical model, but to elaborate substantially - worked analyzer of milk, with its subsequent intrusion on firms of our country and foreign countries.