Personal site of the DonNTU master's degree student

Roman Borisovich Beseda

- Electrotechnical (ETF)

- ES-00

Scientific leader:
- Vladimir Sergeevich Garmash

Theme of the work:
- Development of mathematical model of generating knot of grid for the analysis stady-state and transient regimes of operation

I was born October 23, 1982 in small miner's town under the name Dzerzhynsk. In childhood I was a very curious child, I was interested in a technique, was like everything to disassemble and look, as it is arranged, but not always assemble back. When I to come of suitable age parents send me to kindergarten, which was situated near my house and called "Cheburashka". It was beautiful and big kindergarten. It's pity that just now it was already closed, and its manufacturing facilities are renting for computer clubs and cafes.

When I come of seven year age it is time to me to go to school, but because of I am seven years of age only October 23 , and study at school begin September 1, parents decide don't be fast and send me to school next year. Therefore in result that I go to school when I was eight years old. It was the school of general education ¹ 9, with good scholastic staff. I like to study in school and it prove not badly. I took prize ranks on city contest in mathematics, jurisprudence. Also I like sport, during studing I went to in for various kinds of sport, like boxing, free-style wrestling, heavy athletics. In the time of school years I start to work with computer for the first time, I like this very much and in future become my hobby. Beside computers I take a great interest in radio electronics. I gradiate school with gold medal, although I don't very proud with that.

In 2000 year I enter to Donetsk National Technical University on Electrotechnical Faculty, speciality "Electrical Stations" by rating tests , which carried out still in time of studing in school. Actually I want to enter to CITA faculty, but I don't by lowest passing score, and to study on Full Payment my parent no enought money. Therefore I have to choose from existent...

On fourth year at 2004 year, I got fixed up in a job to the one of first-rate in east Ukraine computer company called "NEP" on post of system administrator. Especially I had experience in this field. I had to come across when working with many questions of company work organization. This time I sufficiently deeply learned network technologies (work with first-rate world vendors equipment, such as Cisco, Lucent, 3COM, Intel), fundamentals of design (HTML, PHP, Perl), little touch financial business (ordering, writing out, monthly reports, work with Accent).

On the moment of writting this site I graduate fifth year of the university, after graduation I plan to continue working in the field of system administration and network technologies.