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 Shazhko Jaroslav Vitaljevich

Shazhko Jaroslav Vitaljevich


Magistracy of Faculty of Geotechnologies and Production Managements ( FGTU )

Donetsk National Technical University


I, Shazhko Jaroslav Vitaljevich, was born on January, 28 1983, in the city of Donetsk.

About parents: my father, Shazhko Vitaly Nikolaevich, was born in Ukraine, on November, 27, 1951, Has fulfilled on mine of 25 years in underground conditions, occupying various posts, at present the pensioner various posts; my mum, Shazhko Raisa Ivanovna, was born in Ukraine on May, 6, 1952, now she is working on the Donetsk railway on a post the commodity cashier.

My conscious life began in Kujbyshchevskom area of city of Donetsk, in settlement "Oktyabrskaya". My parents have given me in kindergarden "Oduvanchik". Father with mum early left for work, therefore and me awakened early. It was not so pleasant to me. This differed kindergarden nothing from others, but there to children imparted independence. Here I have learned to come off buttons, to put bed and the most important to use tablewares.

In 1989, in the age of six , I have gone to school N41. Completely new life began. The teacher and parents imparted persistence, diligence and work from first days of study. In initial classes, alongside with studying of mathematics and spelling, I have learned as far as the world, the nature surrounding us is surprising. Has grown fond of employment by sports has tried many various kinds navigation, football, Rugby football, athletic gymnastics, but in last years the paraplanerism, a mountain bicycle has engaged in extreme kinds of sports by mountain skiing.
The subsequent year of training at school are connected to a name of our class teacher: Rusal L. V., which assiduously forced me to write beautifully, but unfortunately it at her has failed, at me till now an illegible handwriting. She is the teacher to whom any pupil is not indifferent. Along with knowledge - you receive also education because except for parents always there is a class teacher. One of the most distinctive features at school is that only at lessons as at competitions you test bitterness of defeat and pleasure of a victory when you receive "two" or "five". The school ¹41 is a comprehensive school where to all learned in a measure. From all school years the most active were last 2 years (10-11 classes). At school I participated in competition, basically, by the right and mathematics. Mathematics and to this day my most favorite subject. On leaving school I have received the certificate about incomplete average educated. School it is not simple an educational institution, and establishment where you come the child and leave mature young men.

In 1999 I have not handed over entrance examinations in Donetsk National Technical University(DonNTU) on speciality TCN (telecommunication networks). Has acted on rating tests not on examination. But has not despaired and has decided that the next year for me I will necessarily carry also shall act. Not losing gift of time I have decided the secondary education in technical training college N26 where has received educations of the bookkeeper will receive.
In 2000 to me has not sufficed at receipt of 5 points for receipt (has collected 44, and for receipt it was necessary 49). I have decided, that it is impossible for me there studies and on interview have acted on a speciality " Development of deposits of minerals ", my choice was absolutely casual.
But in consequences I have understood that this that that was necessary for me.
From the moment of the beginning of employment it was necessary to be reconstructed from school training to rules of training in high school. Any more there was no concept "has learnt a lesson" or "has not learnt a lesson". Everyone should hand over necessary quantity of individual or laboratory works during time.
Since 2000, after the first rate, I have decided to learn in group with studying a German technical language. It is difficult to start to learn German if I before, all time learned English. And I have decided this employment to throw. But has acted on faculty of Retraining of personnel and to receive 2-nd above education on a speciality "Finance"
After 2-nd rate I for the first time passed the first industrial practice. I tested huge feeling of excitement, fear when first time went down in mine. I did not depart on a step from the instructor. I have seen the eyes as far as dangerously to work in mine. Practically all works are carried out with the help shovels. To me was so pleasantly to rise back on a surface, each time when went down. Has then got used.
From 3-rd rate I already in details studied disciplines which directly concerned my speciality. Studying of each special discipline came to an end an academic year project. Students of my group and I, handed over course, almost before examination. Therefore it was necessary to draw and day and night but as it is pleasant to draw all the night long, and to meet a dawn together with course in the morning. Even more pleasant employment to lead round, pencil ink. At university as where, you are glad when examinations come to an end. On road home after last examination, such sensation, that the body has hung in mid-air. So have flown by four and a half of one year.
At the end of 4-th rate I have gone on Ukrainian competition on technologies of conducting mountain works, to Ivano-Frankovsk where has borrowed 3 place among 28 participants from all mountain high schools of the country.
Since 2005 I study in a magistracy of faculty of geotechnologies and production managements (FGTU). A theme of my work "Ways of installation roof bolting in manufactures". My scientific headmaster is associate professor Novikov Alexander Olegovich. A direction my masters works actually in modern conditions of conducting clearing works on mines, as from the point of view of safety, and reduction of the cost price of extracted coal.
During free time from study I go in for sports, I have a rest with friends. Still I like to read books. I see a speciality claimed. I think, our country will not close mine as coal is the unique energy carrier which is in bowels of Ukraine in enough. Further I gather, the received knowledge at university, to put into practice. If it will turn out, it would be quite good to be director of the enterprise, but for this purpose it is necessary to serve still.
And as I receive 2 educations I shall have more chances of a labor market will get good work.

The nearest 5 years I plan, to earn money for arrangement of a life, to finish postgraduate study, to teach in high school, to buy a summer residence in settlement Slavskom in Carpathian mountains for employment by favorite kinds of sports.
The nearest 25 years I plan in to receive ranks of Dr.Sci.Tech. (better the academician) to provide rich and happy life in a circle of loving people.
In strategic my plans wanted to carry out the children's dream to visit on the Moon, to visit all interesting places of the Earth.

The abstract masters works

Results of search in the Internet

The individual task


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