Master's thesis
Physics-metallurgical faculty
Department " Ellektrometallurgy"
Speciality:" Metallurgy of black metals"
Master's thesis
"The design and optimization of raskyslenyya and alloying became
at the issue from DSP and vnepechnoy treatment".
Scientific leader: Khrapko S.
I, Dykalenko Alexander , was born on May, 20, 1983 in town
Amvrosyevka Donetsk region. In 2000 finished with the Amvrosyevskà difference
general school of the I-III stages ¹2, and got rights for a driver
categories B and Ñ. At time teaching at school took part in olympiads
on mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian. Also took active part
in sporting competitions; it was engaged in basket-ball, weight sport, kykboksyng.
In 2000 entered a Donetsk national technical university on -metallurgycal
a faculty on speciality "Metallurgy of black metals". My choice fell on this speciality
because I grew in family of metallurgists, and from little up respected it speciality.
In 2005 got the diploma of bachelor on it speciality and went out into a city council.
In times of teaching in an university I took part in the "Allukrainian olympiad on
metallurgies became", carried with pauerlyftyng.