Intensification of steel-smelting production results in a necessity
creations of the systems of automatic conduct of melting, in the function
of which
not only automation but also optimization of executable enters
technological operations. And if at production of poluprodukta in
basic the burst performance is required, at the receipt
set chemical composition became is used dear enough
raskyslytely, ferro-alloys and modifiers, that destroys on the first plan
systems of minimization of prime price of vnepechnoy treatment.
We will consider system of optimization for the process control of alloying,
taking into account non-linearity of task in most simple case. We consider,
that the mechanical losses of metal, slag and materials are absent.
It is necessary to expect the amounts of materials possessing minimum possible
by a cost, addition of which in the system gives the required composition
of metal.
The set problem is the task of the constrained optimization, I.e. search
such values of the optimized variables (the masses of the Xj materials),
which is achieved the minimum of having a special purpose function (total cost
of materials),
on condition of implementation of the set limitations on optimized pere-
We will mark, that dependence of composition of metal on the masses of materials
has difficult
nonlinear character which is related to physical and chemical cooperation
elements and their redistribution between a metal and slag, therefore limitations
are nonlinear functions in relation to the optimized variables.
Universal methods of decision of such tasks in a general view or does not exist,
or they have so low efficiency, that their application in given one
case (the number of the optimized variables is calculated in tens) it is impossible.
The linear of having a special purpose function means at the same time, that decision
(if it exists)
it is on the border of the possible region limited by present inequalities.
The methods of linear are the very effective method of decision of such tasks
programing (sympleks-method and his modifications), however in a clean kind
they are applicable only in that case, when limitations are set in a linear
The possible method of application of neiieaen-method is in examined case
yteratsyonnoe decision of task by the method of progressive approximations, at
on every yteratsy lynearyzatsya of all limitations in a current point is produced
and search of minimum of having a special purpose function by a neiieaen-method
for got linear
limitations with the subsequent reiteration of yteratsyy to establishment of
values of variables of search (the masses of materials).
We will consider some current (initial or intermediate) yteratsyyu,
which some vector of the masses of the materials X0, set in the system, is known
(on first yteratsyy, I.e. at the beginning of calculation, when in the system nothing
is set yet,
pry-nyat' X0=0 is needed). Described higher thermodynamics model of distributing
elements between phases allows on the known composition and amounts of materials
To expect X0 the masses of all elements in a metal, slag and gas phase and, consequently,
compositions and amounts of metal and slag, and also all DKU (in further exposition overhead
by the index "zero" the sizes calculated in the current point X0 are marked). Got composition
metal can fall short of to inequalities, or for the present set
materials can be not executed condition of minimization . For the decision of put
tasks it is necessary to change the masses of materials, that will cause change of the
masses of elements
in a metal and composition of metal. Mass of element of I in a metal by difficult appearance
is determined
by the masses of all elements being in the system, and last - in the turn - arrival
in the system of materials. For lynearyzatsyy of dependence on Xj we will decompose
a function in a row
(in the current point X0) in relation to X=X-X0 and we will cast aside elements higher
than 1th order.
We will consider systems of inequalities is the znakoperemennost' sizes Xj, that complicates the use of neiieaen-method
(requires doubling of number of variables).
E system, in particular,
requirements to minimum and/or maximal mass of the got metal, to general mass (or volume) entered materials, to mass or stake (in relation to general mass) of separate materials (or groups of the materials incorporated
on a certain sign), to composition, amount and properties of slag, and also limitation of presence of materials on storage
and etc
We will mark system of inequalities by a neiieaen-method formed thus gives a new set of materials , possessing
a minimum cost. As the used values DKU are derivative, calculated in a current point (at current oxidizing potential), and the change of the masses of materials in the system causes change of okyslennosty metal
and slag, the composition of metal and slag got as a result will not exactly correspond to required. The repeated calculation DKU in a new point allows to conduct correction of the masses of materials (to increase or decrease
their amounts). As a result of a few progressive approximations will be got sought after the masses of materials, providing popada-nye in the set chemical composition (and also implementation of any other additional limitations) and
possessing a minimum cost. Yteratsyy is halted, and a calculation is considered complete.
We will
mark, that in the process of decision can both be multiplied calculation the masses of materials and
be diminished, and also addition, exception or replacement of one materials, is possible other, that is related to the mutual
influencing of materials (more precisely, composition of metal and, especially, oxidizing potential in the system) on mastering of elements from materials and, consequently,
degree of "advantage" of one materials as compared to other.
Interestingly, that matrices and after the insignificant count enable additionally to take into account
the factors of vagueness of chemical compositions of the used materials, mass and composition of initial metal and slag,
constants of distributing of elements between a metal and slag and etc, that allows to operate by the no point values of
sizes, and their interval estimations (by lower and top limits), as a result is achieved the substantial increase of universality, community and reliability of calculation during practical
realization of algorithm.
Possible cases being interest for practice, when the decision specifies on impossibility in the set terms
of the assured hit in the required composition (absence of necessary ferro-alloys, error in weighing, etc.). In such cases the system in advance gives out the proper report and due to ability to analyse the reasons of possible declination
offers list of operative decisions: to reduce the vagueness of the preset parameters (to specify composition of one or another ferro-alloy, to alloy mass of the set materials and o.a.); in two receptions with
the intermediate test of metal; to translate melting in other brand in accordance with the present brief-case of orders or
in any standard brand. On all possible variants a new set of materials, cost of alloying and expected composition of metal, is reported. In the
automatic mode is made decision the system independently within the limits of the beforehand set list and priorities. At the receipt of test of metal information about the actually got composition of metal is automatically used for statistical
adaptation of parameters of model, which take into account the degree of deviation from an equilibrium and the technological features of every aggregate and
pe-ryoda melting of this brand became.
Developed system enters in the complement of the package "ORACLE", inculcated at the Moldavian metallurgical
plant, where is used for the decision of the following tasks: operative process control of melting in the mode of "adviser"
(gives out recommendations to the personnel) and in composition to the ACE TP (gives out managing
signals on metering devices) [9].
Like models, developed system can be used for the decision of the following tasks:
1.operative process control of melting in autonomous behavior (gives out the necessary reports and recommendations
to the personnel) and in composition to the ACE TP (gives out uprav-lyayuschye signals on the metering devices of materials);
2.short-term and perspective planning of work of workshop (calculation of potreb-nosty materials and
estimation of efficiency of smelting of staley different brands);
3.choice preferable materials on a present nomenclature, prey-skurantam and other
Conclusions. Offered approach allows on principle to extend voz-mozhnosty optimizations of alloying, raskyslenyya
and affinage of metal. Influencing of the elements contained in a metal is thus taken into account not only, but also influencing
of shla-ka, and also moment of input of materials. Optimization of not only amounts but also sequence of input of materials becomes
possible (including shlakoobrazuyuschykh). These tasks are decided in none of other existent systems.