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Blizkaya Olga Faculty: Faculty Computer information technologies and automatics (FCITA)
The childhood I was born on 25th of August, 1983 in Donetsk . My parents, Vladimir Mikhailovich Blizkiy and Natalya Pavlovna Blizkaya, as well as my brother Maxim who is 6 years older than me, were in charge of my upbringing and I am grateful to them for that. As a majority of kids, I used to go to kindergarten but I can't say that I remember that time clearly. What I do remember is that I started to be attend dancing classes since I was 5 years old. At the beginning – folk, then pop dancing, choreography, ballet… So to say, I had been growing up as an active and creative kid. School In 1990 I started the first grade in high school #17 with advance curriculum in physics and math. That was there I met my first teacher, Shevchenko Svetlana Grigoryevna, a wonderful teacher and a very good person. During my school years I participated in Olympiads on different subjects. When I was in 10th grade I got interested in political science and law, continued to attend dance classes and swimming pool. During that time I started to think about my future occupation. Thus I joined the «Young Doctor » courses at Donetsk Medical University (DMU) at the beginning of 11th grade. The courses were really interesting with introduction of basic knowledge of medicine and Latin language, showing movies. We also had a contest for scientific research paper on medical subject. I had chosen an interesting, in my opinion, topic devoted to the theory of stomach ulcer disease, which has been actively studied and developed lately. I should note that I was quite successful in my writing as I won the prize among 170 works, which allowed me to take part in regional competition in medical section at Minor Academy of Science. By the end of studies I passed all the tests, received a degree of junior nurse and was recommended to apply to DMU. Despite that and my mother being a doctor, I decided to get a technical occupation but directly connected to medicine.As a result in 2000 I graduated from high school with golden medal and by interview results was enrolled as the first year student with major in «Computer Diagnostics Systems in Medicine and Technics» at Donetsk National Technical University . Wonderful student years started… Now I am thinking that despite all the troubles, those one of the best periods in any person's life. During my first year I was very active in sports. Our aerobics coach organized a team which one the first prize in university team fitness competition. Thus I was taken in combined team of university, and every day trainings and competitions started. The results were very good here, too—in regional competition in Kramatorsk out team took the first and the second prize in 2 programs. In 2004 I received bachelor degree in computer engineering and joined master's program. My scientific headmaster, professor Yuri Aleksandrovish Skobtsov, suggested me to research the development of methods and algorithms of medical images processing using the methods of artificial intelligence Now I am working in a private firm as a system administrator. I am pretty much satisfied by it for now. My nearest future plans include finishing driving courses and master's program, and then—we will see. I also would like to study computer graphics and design, but so far those are only plans.