Masters work

Kompanets Dmitry Olegovich


Masters of Donetsk State Technical University
Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Speciality: Telecommunication Sistems and Networks
Scientific headmaster: Turupalov Victor Vladimirovich

Development and research of network user authentification/identification technics on a basis of facial asymmetry characteristics

The technique of identification/authentication of the user is developed on the basis of the person's characteristics of asymmetry for databases of 100-400 users. The technique itself is new and also is based on a phenomenon of human face asymmetry and its ophtalmogeometrical characteristics uniqueness. The actuality of work consists in revealing new ways of user's biometrical authentication.

Entrance data of a method is the motionless frontal image of the person. Its reception from the elementary Web-camera is possible. Target data are mathematical descriptions of identified images which can be processed, transferred, stored and compared in a consequence among themselves. 

Figure 1 – Sequence of actions of recognition system.

Advantages of biometric authentication[1]:

· Becomes possible to authenticate the user, i.e. real acknowledgement of authenticity of the person receiving access rights. Security of systems essentially raises and, at the same time, process of identification of the user becomes simpler – the user should not recollect, type and periodically change passwords of access to various systems.
· The user may not remember and not enter the identification name (names).
· Authorization is carried out without dependence from language of an operational environment and codings of symbols.
· By virtue of simplicity of process, it can be initiated much more often, than traditional systems (requesting a name of the user and the password) allow.
· In all cases, except for cases of breaking of protection, it is possible to prove authorship of this or that electronic action confirmed by biometric authentication.
· Remote selection of the identifying information becomes harder.
· It is impossible to show the identifier by the third party.

Definition of the person on lineament is the closest to people as each person constantly solves for itself a similar problem. Besides universal distribution of digital videocameras (certainly, in the West) with which even house computers are equipped, do this method very attractive. However, really operating systems, suitable for use even in business, does not exist yet. Certainly, developments exist, but today users do not trust them their money (and it is modern criterion of safety). However, recently some countries including Russia, try to introduce at the airports and at railway stations systems of person detection, but the purpose of it is not restriction of access, but search of the criminal. For maintenance of safety of identification system on geometry of the face are still worked obviously insufficiently.

In machine vision often there are two updatings of a problem of face detection – face localization and face tracking. Localization of the person is the simplified variant of a problem of detection as leans on knowledge that on the image there is one and only one person. The tracking problem of moving face in a videostream can be formulated as a problem of localization of the face on current frame, leaning on the information on its position on the previous frame.

The review of existing researches:

Existing algorithms of persons detection is possible to break on two wide categories [2] . The first category consists of the methods which are making a start experience of the person in recognition of faces and doing attempt to formalize this experience, having constructed on its basis automatic system of recognition. The second category leans on toolkit of recognition of images, considering a problem of detection of the face, as a special case of a recognition problem.

On the first category principles of patterns and other methods of recognition "top-down" were used, basically, in early works on detection of the person [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] . It were the first attempts of attributes formalization of face images, besides computing capacities of computers those years did not allow to use more complex methods of images recognition effectively. Despite of some naivety of algorithms, it is not necessary to underestimate value of these works as many techniques successfully applied now, have been developed or adapted for the given concrete problem in them.

Recognition "bottom-up" uses invariant properties (invariant features) images of persons, leaning on the assumption, that time the person can without efforts distinguish the person on the image irrespective of its orientation, conditions of illumination and specific features there should be some attributes of presence of persons on images, invariant shootings concerning conditions. Work algorithm of recognition"bottom-up" methods can be briefly described as follows:

1. Detection of elements and features which are characteristic for the image of the face.

2. The analysis of the found out features, decision on quantity and arrangement of faces.

Second category of methods approaches a problem on the other hand, and, not trying in an obvious kind to formalize the processes occuring in a human brain, trying to reveal laws and properties of the image of the face, applying methods of mathematical statistics and machine training. Methods of this category lean on toolkit of recognition of images, considering a problem of detection of the person, as a special case of a problem of recognition. To the image (or to its fragment) to some extent calculated vector of attributes which is used for classification of images on two classes – the face/not the face is put in conformity. The most widespread way of reception of a vector of attributes this use of the image: each pixel becomes a component of a vector, transforming the black-and-white image n×m into spatial vector Rn×m. Lack of such representation is extremely high dimension of space of attributes. Advantage consists volume, that using the image entirely instead of the characteristics calculated on its basis, from all procedure of construction of the qualifier (including allocation of steady attributes for recognition) is completely excluded participation of the person, that potentially reduces probability of a mistake of construction of wrong model of the image of the person owing to incorrect decisions and errors of the developer.

Principal-component method [8] is applied to decrease in dimension of space of attributes, not leading to essential loss èíôîðìàòèâíîñòè a training set of objects (in this case – images of persons). Application of a method of the main things a component to a set of vectors of linear space Rn, allows to pass to such basis of space, that the basic dispersion of a set will be directed along the several first axes of basis named by the main axes (or the main components). Thus, the basic variability of vectors of a training set is represented several main components, and there is an opportunity, having rejected remained (less essential) to pass to space of essentially smaller dimension. Tense on the main axes received thus subspace dimensions m << n is optimum among all spaces of dimension m in the sense that in the best way (with the least mistake) describes a training set of images.

Factor analysis (FA) [9], As well as many methods of the analysis of multivariate data, leans on a hypothesis that observable variables are indirect displays concerning a small number of the certain latent factors. FA, thus, is set of models and methods focused on revealing and the analysis of the latent dependences between observable variables. In a context of problems of the recognition, observable variables usually are attributes of objects. The factor analysis is possible to consider as generalization of a principal-component method.

The purpose of training of the majority of qualifiers – to minimize a mistake of classification on a training set (named by empirical risk). Unlike them, by means of a method of basic vectors it is possible to construct the qualifier minimizing the top estimation of an expected mistake of classification (including for the unknown objects which are not entered into a training set). Application of a method of basic vectors to a problem of detection of the person consists in search of a hyperplane in ïðèçíàêîâîì the space, a separating class of images of persons from images "not-persons".

Opportunity of linear division of so complex classes as images of persons also it is not represented improbable. However, classification by means of basic vectors allows to use the device of nuclear functions for implicit displaying vectors-attributes in space potentially much higher dimension in which classes can linearly appear dividable. Implicit displaying by means of nuclear functions does not lead to complication of calculations that allows to use successfully the linear qualifier for linearly inseparable classes.

Neuronets are also successfully applied to the decision of many problems of recognition for a long time. A plenty of neural networks of various architecture ware applied to the decision of a problem of detection of the person, in particular: multilayered perseptrons, probabilistic decision-based neural networks (PDBNN) [10], etc. Advantage of neuronet usage for the decision of a problem of face detection is the opportunity of reception of the qualifier well modelling complex function of distribution of images of persons p(x | face). Lack is necessity for careful and laborious adjustment íåéðîñåòè for reception of satisfactory result of classification.

SNoW for face detection[11] represents a two-layer network which entrance layer consists of units, each of which corresponds to some characteristic of the entrance image (generates 1 at presence of some feature and 0 in case of its absence on the image), the day off consists all from two units, each of which corresponds to distinguished classes of images ("person", "non-person"). As characteristics of the image flags of equality to the certain sizes of average value and a dispersion of brightness in each of rectangular fragments of the image in the size 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 and 10x10 (all images has the size 20x20 pixels) are used. It gives space of attributes of dimension 135424. At carrying out of classification on entrance units the information on presence of the certain characteristics in the processable image moves. Units of a target layer calculate a linear combination of the signals generated in entrance units. Factors of a linear combination are set by weights of communications between entrance and target units. At excess of the set threshold, the decision on presence of the person on the image makes.

Solved problems:

Application of the given method in monitoring systems of access will allow to simplify procedure of identification/authentication of the user: not only for an input in a network, but also for authorization necessity of input of the password vanishes in any appendices. Also to become possible to lower expenses for safety of computer systems and networks. It, in turn, will allow to achieve a wide circulation of biometric systems and to raise the general level of safety of computer systems.

By development of algorithm available methods of person's localization in the image and algorithms of definition of eyes' position are considered. The algorithm «OFG» carries out following functions:

- normalizes the received image (eliminates turns of a head, normalizes light parameters);

- visualizes ophtalmogeometric pattern (construction of system of the coordinates, necessary points);

- carries out operations and calculations above it;

- makes comparison.


Identification of users on the basis of face asimmetry characteristics.

The chosen method is based on Czestochowa exact model of face asymmetry and on researches in the field of ophthalmogeometry by professor E.Muldashev.

Figure 2 – Representation of key parameters of the face used in ophthalmogeometry.

Construction of ophtalmogeometrical pattern (Figure 3):

On the basis of available points and parameters of face model of the person we shall construct ophtalmogeometrical pattern in following sequence:

Animation – Sequence of the user authentication procedure (press play).

1. To define diameter of the iris and to equate to 1 Muld (fi = 1 Muld). It is defined by three points Ar, Br, Cr. Concerning them then the iris circle is constructed, its diameter is found and is equated to 1 Muld. Muld is the size equal to diameter of an iris. This size equal 10±0,56 mm also is a unique constant from biometric characteristics of the person, since 4-5 - years age. Considering this circumstance, all ophtalmogeometrical patterns can be normalized, i.e. to lead to one scale for convenience of processing.

2. To measure distance between B1r and B1l Base1 [Muld]. The distance between centres of irises of frontally looking person forms base of the face. It is measured also in Mulds and serves for the coordination of the sizes of the images received from the camera and stored in the base.

3. To define the middle between irises O*. We find a point necessary for construction of system of coordinates {Y *, X *}.

4. To define points 1* and 2*. These points are necessary for construction of a perpendicular to axis X*.

5. To lead lines {Y *, X *}, Y* – a line which is passing through points
1* - O* - 2 *, X* – a line which is passing through points B1r - O* - B1l.

6. To construct system of coordinates (lines) {X1, X2, Y} according to figure 3. The given system of coordinates is constructed with the purpose of a finding of the least changing base. Concerning it the further readout and measurements are made. Its basis is made with two points Î1 and Î2. Point Î1 is as a midpoint, connecting points Îcr and Ocl. These points are one of the most motionless on the face. They do not change the position with the years, with an emotional condition. Axis X of system of coordinates is led through them. Axis Y is a perpendicular to axis Õ1 in point Î1. Point Î2 is on axis Y on distance 4 Mulds from axis Õ1. This point also should satisfy to a principle of the least susceptibility to changes. It to be in the geometrical middle between a line connecting tips lobes of ears and a line passing through corners of a mouth with the center in the geometrical middle of an oval of the person. Axis Õ2 is parallel to axis Õ1 and passes through point Î2.

7. To measure a corner α1, a measure of deviation Y* from Y.

Figure 3 - Construction of axes of coordinates.

Definition of model:

1. To define points in corners of eyes 4,8,8* and 2,6,6*.

2. In middle point across and on a vertical between 4,8* and 2,6* to find the geometrical center of an eye (can not coincide with the center of an iris of the eye).

3. Of the received center to construct 16 concentric beams, and one of beams should pass obligatory through a point 8 * (6 *).

Figure 4 – Construction of concentric beams of an eye.

4. To construct the straight lines which are passing through a point 4 (2) and the nearest points of concentric beams crossing with a contour of an eye. On crossing of these straight lines we shall receive points 1 and 3.

5. To construct the straight lines which are passing through a point 8 (6) and two nearest crossings with concentric beams, except for the beams which are passing through points 8 and 6 (on two crossings from above and from below) and to receive points 7 and 5.

6. To construct a tangent to the top points of eyebrowes. Its crossing with the straight lines which are passing through points 7,8 both 7,6 will give points 14 and 16.

7. To construct a point 9 on crossing of tangents in two extreme points of a fold above eyes (points 12 and 10).

8. To find the geometrical middle between points 8* and 6* (point Î1).

Figure 5 – Construction of ophtalmogeometric pattern.

Thus, we receive individual ophtalmogeometrical portrait of each person.

Figure 6 – Visualization of an image and allocation of meaning points.

Identification of a human face should pass whenever possible in a neutral emotional condition. In case of incorrect relieving of an image from the camera (the big inclination or turn of a head) it is necessary for user to repeat procedure of reading of an image.

Reception of numerical characteristics of an identified pattern.

The point 0 is the beginning of system of coordinates. From it readout of two-dimensional coordinates of points is made. A unit of measure of system of coordinates is Muld. Further, having two-dimensional system of coordinates and universal unit of measurements, to all received points of model can appropriate two coordinates (X, Y), concerning O. Significant points in the developed system are 1, 5, Î1, 9, 7, 3. Obtained data is easily tabulated.

Then the database of images of network users (login=pattern) is created. In it all the images are stored in the coordinated size and identical quality. During procedure of authentication the user enters a login, or otherwise defines itself. The system finds an image corresponding a login and makes comparison (so-called comparison one to one). It makes the decision on conformity of an image to the entered login. During procedure of identification the login is not required. The system compares an entrance image to all base and then itself defines the user. Such method borrows more time, but has also a number of advantages: noncontactness and anonymity (the user even can not know about spent procedure). Procedure of comparison of an entrance image from base occurs to image on comparison of values and signs on each coordinate. Mean square value is the final value.

   Pattern 2  Pattern 1   
  Value   Value    Delta
Xo1 -0,18
- - 0,04
+ 0,22
Yo1 0,22 + -0,35 - -0,57
X3 -0,3 - 0,33 +10% 0,64
Y3 -1,35   -1,62   -0,17
X1 -0,47 - 0,64 + 1,13
Y1  3,77   2,88 51,67% -1,09
X5 -0,18   0,36   0,54
Y5 0,21   0,25   0,04
X7 -0,03   0,17   0,20
Y7  -1,2   -0,17   0,20
X9 0,16   0,13   -0,03
Y9 -0,99   -0,76   0,33
Mean square value   0,61

Table 1 – Comparison of patterns of two different people of one age.

Mean square value of a deviation of coordinates of points is the defining parameter at comparison of images. But a sign on coordinate of a point which defines its position concerning an axis of coordinates also it is necessary to consider.

Main results of the work:

1. Exact two-dimensional asymmetric model of the person has been developed. Two basic problems which have arisen during creation of an image: a finding of a "truthful" vertical axis on the face of the person (axis Y) and creation of the special combined system of coordinates {Y-O1-X1-O2-X2} with points Î1 and Î2 for displaying of asymmetric images of the face and normalization of two compared images or their fragments.

2. The basic points, facial elements and their significant combinations from the anthropological point of view which can be applied in the automated methods have been defined. The basic innovation is application of unit of measure Muld for normalization of the two-dimensional image of the person. Muld is defined by diameter of an iris of the eye of and it is equal 10±0,56 mm. Diameter of an iris of the eye is a unique constant from biometric characteristics of the person, since age of 4-5 years.

3. The algorithm of measurement of pseudo-information similarity of two asymmetric faces which are nonmathematical objects has been developed. Visualization and approbation of ophtalmogeometrical pattern has been made.

4. Some interesting features of face asymmetry and ophtalmogeometrical pattern have been noticed: uniqueness of face asymmetry and ophtalmogeometrical characteristics; a topological invariance of the curve which is passing through significant points of ophtalmogeometrical pattern, without dependence from age and an emotional condition; uniqueness of a way of normalization of the image of the person, using as unit of measure Muld.

Future trends: on the basis of the further researches it is necessary to find out a threshold of sensitivity of a method and to define optimum value of a threshold of operation. It depends on concrete conditions of application of system, the size of base of images and quality of used equipment.


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7. V. Govindaraju, “ Locating Human Faces in Photographs ,” Int’l J. Computer Vision, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 129-146, 1996.

8. "Method of the main components" Digital library of computer grafics and multimedia laboratory at faculty VMiK of the Moscow State University

9. “Factoral analysis” Digital library of computer grafics and multimedia laboratory at faculty VMiK of the Moscow State University

10. S.-H. Lin, S.-Y. Kung, and L.-J. Lin, “ Face recognition/detection by probabilistic decision-based neural network ,” IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 8, pp. 114-132., 1997

11. N. P. Costen , M. Brown "Exploratory Sparse Models for Face Recognition" British Machine Vision Conference, 2003


Kompanets D. O.
Development and research of network user authentification/identification technics on a basis of facial asymmetry characteristics