I was born on January, 29, 1983 in the
town of the Volnovaha Donetsk region of Ukraine. To me lucky enough
to be born in the very good family. My parents are Alexander Gavrilovich
and Ludmila Ivanovna - all efforts were attached, that we with
my senior sister grew not in what, not needing, and for it I to
them am very thankful. With a sister to me in the life it “was”
lucky generally: we with her are the people of a quite different
type, therefore never met in looks and in childhood fought often.
But, in general, we grew the one united family. In a house at
us was always noisy and it is merry, missing was not had therefore.
In addition, we always were very pampered by parents, therefore
about childhood at me there were the lightest and glad flashbacks.
Part of these flashbacks touch nursery school, where I did not
like to walk and often escape home, what I was sworn for at by
In school I went sixteen years ago,
in 1989. Yes, it was a long ago - in the last century, even I
will say anymore - in a past millennium. Speak that the life on
the border of millenniums is given to the special people. Well
yes all right, we will get back to school ¹5 Volnovahi, in which
I studied quite a long time ago. By the way, this was the best
school in the Volnovahskom district, children from neighbouring
settlements studied here, person passing by every day on a 30
I had a remarkable class leader – Antonova Lily Gavrilovna, which
not only taught us to the object – to English, but also took active
part in the life of each. To go to school was undifficult, true
it was had much to work, to get excellent estimations. With pleasure
I sat days above algebra, geometry. By the bases of mathematics
I generally seized in nursery school still, therefore exact sciences
were given me as easy as anything, what it is impossible to say
about humanitarian. I awfully did not love humanitarian objects.
Honestly to say, they annoied me. I remember, in a 7 class I of
principle played hookies of Russian literature and, once, to my
parents the Lily Gabriel (my class leader) called to grumble about
me. But my father, estimating a situation, said me: «Always act
how you consider necessary and do not listen other». Since, I
always try to follow this advice.
But I knew mathematics better than all in a class. Came forward
on district olympiads on mathematics, physics, chemistry. Even
one time took 2 seat on an olympiad on mathematics, but to gain
the lead me was not so succeeded.
Once I got in a motor-car failure. There was it in a 2 class,
probably, not enough told me about that, how unsafely to run across
road not in the unfixed places. But the life stopped this gap
of knowledges and result – break of leg, break of collar-bone,
concussion of the brain, month of hospital.
What did I carry with in school years? Oddly enough by cars. Like
to the cars instiled to me still from little up. In the first
times I sat down for a helm in 4 years (true, sat down only, but
did not ride:). Actually independently to drive car I learned,
where, in 11 years. I remember in a 8 class without the privity
of father decided going on a machine, to go in school. To me such
pranks pleased and it was still once or twice succeeded with impunity
to go for a drive on a city without driving licences. But, once,
I knocked up the workers of Gosavtoinspektsii and felt on itself
all charms of detention: drafting of protocol.. True, I only a
few hours stayed in the area of militia, whereupon a father arrived,
took away machine, paid for me a fine well and to me explained
that doing is impossible so.
Whew my school years passed interestingly. The last 2 years of
school torments I tried to declare oneself from the best side
and as a result, now at me the gilded youth with which I finished
school pilitsya on a shelf.
Choice of higher educational establishment
Now about the choice of Institute and
speciality of higher. In the beginning hesitated: or DonNU – economic
cybernetics or DonNTU. I chose DonNTU from love to engineering
sciences. I wanted to study on enough «wide speciality», which
would combine programming, mathematics and management. Knowing
about speciality of «System of management and automation», I understood
that this that I need, and decided there to act. Successfully
passed the rating tests and in 2000 became the student of the
FÑITA faculty, the AT speciality.
Process of study
The first course passed in glad euphoria
of acquaintance with my friends. Us sdrugili joint going for a
walk and searches of necessary audiences especially in the most
tangled 3 corps. I studied on a habit well, and main problem of
the first course – higher mathematics – a problem was not for
me generally. On the second course decided to act on a military
department, and to do it is simple not so, although otlichnikov
was there taken without introductory tests. But at me for 2 previous
sessions there was one four. Therefore it was had to “work” and
by somebody I there, all the same, acted. In times of study in
an university I mastered such software products and programming
languages as: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Front
Page, Project), Mathcad, Mathematika, 3D Studio, Visual Basic,
Pascal, C/C++, Assembler, VBA, Delphi, HTML and dr. Deeply studied
automation of industrial processes, programming of Atmel microcontrollers,
remote control with the use of infra-red radiation.
Ñhoice of theme of dissertation
In 2004 I got qualification of bachelor
and entered city council (because I wanted to possess thorough
knowledges and get maximally complete and finished higher education,
besides a city council enables to me in the future at the desire
to become by a graduate student).
On master's degree work I chose a leader still on a 3 course.
It was desirable to choose such man which in the projects, developments
realizes concrete things, but is not engaged in scribble. I by
nature practical worker and to the theorists I behave skeptically
(if you consider that I am not right . consider:). In general,
the choice at me was not wide and an associate professor became
my leader, candidate of engineering sciences Sukov Sergey Felixovich.
Still pair of years ago to us the order from DMZ acted on a department:
to develop the system of management of processes in MNLZ kristallizatore
(machine of the continuous casting of purveyances). To today by
this problem so nobody and did not get busy, therefore by the
theme of my master's degree work and development of sensor of
level of molten metal in MNLZ kristallizatore became. It is a
very interesting task which involves my mathematical and economic
knowledges and has concrete practical application.
Plans on a future
At first, to get the diploma of master's
degree, secondly to enter graduate school, thirdly to protect
candidate's dissertation, fourthly to protect doctoral dissertation
and etc In any case, I want to use the potential in the wide spectrum
of modern technologies. Therefore, I constantly cognize and try
to test all new and find oneself. I want to be independent, both
in a technical plan, and in material. I am sure, that chose a
correct way and I know that at me all to turn out.