
I was born, 7, 1982 in Mariupol. City which is famous by metallurgy and large
international marine port.
Father, Shtakh Alexander, 1949 year of birth,
works as the deputy of director on
service in a sentifically production enterprise
which is profiled on the alternative sources of providing by electricity. He
is a first-class specialist in area of energy and electronics and devoted right
through life to this sphere. This enterprise brings to the people light in a
house, because it is directly engaged in the question of autonomous providing
by electricity of different objects where directly a question costs about the
permanent presence of electric power in a network.
Mother, Shtakh Tat'yana, 1953 years of birth, on a profession economist. Does not work
She have
fascinations, one of them is floriculture.
Childhood always causes
pleasant flashbacks: a lot of friends in a court, with which friendship began
then. Some of that times friends remained friends until now, although them
not much. Together with them conducted days long, without a tiredness
inventing the all new and new types of entertainments. There never was a
problem, by what to get busy in one or another moment is all was planned to
the shallow details.
Schools years
I got secondary education at
general school of I-III of the stages №135 cities of Donetsk.
By the undoubted and undeniable «pluses» of approach to teaching, to my mind,
there was that efforts of teachers
headed not only for the study of humanitarian objects, and all the
same there was a slope on exact sciences. Teaching of teacher especially went
down in memory the physicist Sylkynoy Valentina, because she
was on living by a very good and merry man and the visited did oneself
justice on its objects. It was offered to the students to search the
non-standard decisions, go out for scopes banal application of formulas and
make an effort think, adding another measuring. Did not pass a day, that Valentina did not banter above whom or, but the
jokes of her were good. She always accompanied the lead through of the object
by amusing histories from student life and not only. I want to express
gratitude to all teachers of school for that luggage of knowledge’s, which
we, undoubtedly, brought to itself in an asset. And also it is much possible
to tell about our class leader of Sapon Helen, she taught leading school on
biology. Not opening books on biology, To learn its object, it was enough to appear to
lessons, everything can be been very «quick» during employments.
fascinations accompanying me all described time, I can take following: firing
from a pneumatic weapon in a school shooting-gallery, regular hikes in the
forest. That touches by going in for sports at school was anymore spared
attention to basket-ball and volley-ball, as there were large gymnasia where
it was possible to play and besides an educational clock.
When the choice appeared...
Upon termination of school
there was the dream to go out into Odessa nautical school or in Kharkov household troops higher tank command school (KGTKS), this school was concluded by my elder brother
which and now is the officer of Military Powers. But I left these Institutes
of higher on the second and third variants after DONGTU. Did with itself bet if I do not act two times, I
will give documents in other INSTITUTE of higher. At first submitted documents
on interviews on speciality the «Telecommunications
systems» of faculty of CITA and a failure happened. But the second time I
handed in an application on interviews on speciality
the «Electronic systems» of that faculty and .. acted.
Studies appeared so dynamic and
interesting, various and bright, that by a seething stream caught up us and
bore to meet to the «imminent dangers». New true friends, which, on my
feelings, will remain such in the future, appeared in this stream. I am glad,
that distributing on groups passed by just the same appearance. you present
sometimes, that with one stroke of the pen it is possible to spoil 5 next
years. Tempering of friendship began in the «fields» terms in joint journeys
on rest. As is sung in one of our students songs: «We are seen by both Yalta and Alma-Ata».
But friends show up not only in merriment, they help to surmount obstacles,
in what I was in a position to make sure on own experience. After such
superfluous time you notice that the world not without good people.
Choice of theme
With respect to my theme of
master's degree work, which I offered on meeting of department upon
termination of production practice after which we all must offer themes for
development. In the total the choice on automation (optimization) of input of
reserve of alternative source of providing by electricity as
diesel-generators options fell at me. In our country these sources of providing by electricity with
the automatic input of reserve are not developed practically. In the total
meetings of department my theme interested the professor of engineering’s
sciences Nina Chychykalo.
Prospects on the future
Certainly to answer question
«So what will be after...» scarcely I will undertake now. Exists a few quite
scalene approaches to the construction of further activity. A certain imprint
was left by work on an enterprise where I repeatedly passed production