I was born in Donetsk on the 22nd of February 1983. My mother is Zinaida Pavlovna, she is a teacher. My father is Sergey Viktorovich, he is an engineer at a machine-building plant. I have also got a sister, her name is Tatyana. My childhood was easy and care-free. My parents and my sister made all possible conditions for that purpose. I was a very active and agile child and I didn't trouble my parents. I tried not to disappoint my Mum and Dad and give them the same kindness they presented me.
At the age of three I started to visit a kindergarten, where my first attempts in the creative activity began. My pleasant memory is connected with the years spending there. Everything was interesting for me: to know something new, learn something, associate with my contemporaries and have a lot of fun in the childish way. Everyday games and classed became the first steps in my creative career. The kindergarten helped me to find my first friends and felt myself as a part of children collective.
 I began to read and write early. I learned to do it playing "school" with my elder sister. She tried to teach me all she was taught at school. She did it in a good way and I was prepared to school thoroughly. At age of five I found a poetic talent in myself and began to write verses. Since that time it has become my hobby.
In 1990 I entered the first form of Donetsk secondary school N 13. I joined the process of study since the first days of schoo. In studies I made maximum of efforts, persistence and purpose. I was the best student and my behaviours was excellent. I studied without problems and difficulties. My hobbies were absolutely various. During my school years from all subjects I would not like to mark my favorite one. From one side the humanities attracted me, from the other side I liked the exact sciences. I took part in the competitions in Math's, Chemistry, the Ukrainian literature and histories. Sometimes I took the prize places.
I was fond of all I went in for. But I had the particular interest in arts. This my hobby showed in various forms: I wrote verses, was fond of music, sang in a school choir, dreamt to play guitar. In 1996 I came to the Orchestra of folk instruments. I mastered a guitar there. I had been playing in the orchestra for four years till the finishing of the school. We often performed various concerts in different towns of our region. Several times I performed solo. So I spent all my free time in the orchestra. I consider this stage of my life is rather important. It was an opportunity to do my favorite business, spend free time merrily, associate with my friends.
In 2000 I finished the school and got a gold medal. I was afraid of entering the unknown adult life. But at the same time it was very interesting to start something new and see changes around me and in myself, and, of course, feel what student life is. Contradiction in my interests and partialities could not influence on the choice of my future occupation. Having some hesitations I decided to show myself in the exact sciences. I entered Donetsk National Technical University, the specialty "Technology of machines-building". It seemed to me my chosen occupation was rather interesting. Later I realized my choice was right. The student life began. It was interesting and fascinating! Since the first days of study everything began to wonder and bring joy. My lectures could do the process of teaching very interesting. I prepared with great responsibility and persistence to my studies, that's why I got almost excellent marks. Besides, I tried to use all opportunities to make my life interesting and various (tour hikes rest at the camps and so on ).
At the beginning of my student life I liked such subjects as Math's, Theoretical Mechanics, Physics. But when we started to learn special subjects it became more interesting. I liked to create my first projects and got real results of my hard work, to make first steps in such difficult, but very interesting science as Machine-building Technology.
I took part in the competitions. I took the 3d place in the regional competition in resistance of materials and also the 3d place in regional competition in machine details. After practical work I got the occupation of the 2nd category turner, in 2002. After the 3d and the 4th courses I had the practice at the plant "Tochmash". It was interesting for me too see as the plant worked. I took part in many scientific conferences. In 2004 I was a member of the organization committee of International scientific conference "Machine-building and Technosphere of the 21 century" witch was held in Sevastopol. For the first but I hope not for the last I took part in the conference of such scale.
In 2004 I got a diploma of bachelor with honour. At this time I am writing a master's work on theme "Improving of machine details' quality by means of surface plastic deformation". I had my own articles in the student magazine "Engineer". My supervisor is an associate professor Tatyana Geogrgievna Ivchenko. The purpose of my masters work is the making of technological means for improving of machine details' quality by means of joint turning and superficial plastic deformation. It is one of the most important problem of our machine-building.
The university gave me a lot in my life, helped me to become adult and independent person. In the future I would like to work at one of Donetsk machine building plants. I am sure that my experience and qualities formed in the process of study will help me to become a good specialist in my profession and give a grate behalf in my future life.