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The abstract of the master’s work


        The development of continuous casting technology in the last decade occurs in condition of competitive fight on world market. The main requirement is increasing quality of product under simultaneous reduction of its prime cost.

Development of modern billet caster that is competitive with the best world models, requires the broad analytical approach in scientific motivation of main constructive and technological decisions. Investigation of the complex processes, those are going with casting and solidification during casting, will provide the reception of most efficient result.

        The aim of the work is creation of complex physical and mathematical models for determination of factors that influence upon billet forming and possibility of its management. Based on this models is made a software for detailed studing of billet casting process 

       The aim of my masters work is to perfected the methods of physical and mathematical simulation of billet forming in the speed caster’s mould. Based on mathematical model of billet solidification a software is designed, that allows to research the influence of technological conditions in primary and secondary cooling zone on temperature field and on nature of the shell growing.  Physical model was created for studying  the features of billet forming in the mould according to the cooling conditions.

        The advantages of my software in comparison with similar programs are:

  •      Software designed for machines with different geometry (vertical, radial, linear), for different steel grades and billet cooling conditions;

  •      The relationship of thermal physic parameters of steel from temperature was taken into account;

  •      For determination kinetics solidification parameters uses regularities based on crystallization theory , rather then empirical dependencies;

  •      The features  of billet cooling in the mould and in the secondary cooling zone was taken into account.







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