Ukhin Vladimir Evgenyevich |
E-mail: UkhinVladimir@ya.ru |
Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical Speciality: Ferrous metallurgy Subject of the master’s work: |
"Improvement of simulation methods of billet foming in high-speed caster’s mould" Supervisor: the head of "Ferrous metallurgy" department, Doctor of Science Smirnov Aleksey Nikolaevich
I was born the April 12 1984 in Enakievo, Donetsk region. In 1991 I entered the gymnasia with profound study of English. Two last years I was studied humanitarian sciences, especially English. During education I was actively participated in the gymnasia life, took part in such games as KVN, Brain Ring and etc. In the 11th grade I was keen in mathematic and chose this subject for final examinations, which has subsequently passed through. In 2001 I entered Donetsk National Technical University on Physical-metallurgical faculty. My specialisation is “Ferrous metallurgy”, chair of steel metallurgy. In 2005 I was awarded the winner diploma of the National contest of the studnt's scientific work in metallurgy. The subject of my student scientific work was mathematical simulation of billet solidification. In 2005 got the diploma of the bachelor of the metallurgical sciences with honors and was entered in magistracy. My master’s work is dedicated to improvement the simulation methods of billet shaping in the high-speed caster’s mould. On graduating from university I’m going to enter the post graduate course in ferrous metallurgy.