DNTU - Starting terms
the difficulties with entry to the University the first and second
courses appeared unexpectedly easy and disappointed me with plenty of
math and obvious lack of programming. New group which have been differed
from one I had been used to have disappointed me too.
all poor things are usually forgotten quickly and for now I remember
outstanding math lectures of Anatoly Skvortsov and unique lessons of
Andrey Gubarev. Their gestures and phrases are still living in our
vocabularies though many things they taught us are forgotten.
things were difficult to understand at that time though somebody tried
to make us clear that math and physics will stand in good stead in the
future. We did not believed that.
I can assert now that exactly at first courses I've got that
inconspicuous but very important knowledge and skills like the ability
to study seriously, the ability to self-organizing, the habit to rely on
own strengths and ability to manage them.
much free time appeared after I've entered the university and
programming has became just a job a
new hobby appeared - 3d graphics and animation. My bookshelves bit by
bit refreshed with animations books and different creatures have began
to appear at my monitor with increasing frequency.
What have attracted me to 3d graphics? The main reason is my gift for
design as it seems to me. After all the 3d modeling of car's body or
human's face by sketches and pictures is just a form of the design that
requires excellent spatial reasoning, proper attention to the details and
knowledge of tools.
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