DonNTU - The masters
Presently I study in the city council of DONNTU and work above a theme which on defence will sound
like so: «Decision of 2d regional tasks the parallel method of
finite elements».
To this theme I came due to ordinary curiosity. In the book of
Pijush K. Kundu «Fluid Mechanics, second edition» I found out a chapter, devoted the calculable dynamics of liquid. There the method of eventual elements was in detail considered for the decision of
two-dimensional task with a cylinder placed, in the laminar flow of viscid incompressible liquid.
A superficial search showed in the internet, that this method comparatively recently had appeared and actively used in many areas of science and technique, since the calculation of constructions of farms concluding the design of physics of plasma in the modern engines of rockets.
This method was chosen as an area of researches of my master's degree work grounded and realized, as modern, actual and moderately difficult.
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