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Cache Architecture

A.     Smith

Smith A. Cache Memories. – Computing Surveys. – Sept. 1982. – vol. 14. – P. 473-475.

Up to this point, cache has been this magical place that automatically stores data when we need it, perhaps fetching new data as the CPU requires it. However, a good question is "how exactly does the cache do this?" Another might be "what happens when the cache is full and the CPU is requesting additional data not in the cache?" In this section, we'll take a look at the internal cache organization and try to answer these questions along with a few others.

The basic idea behind a cache is that a program only access a small amount of data at a given time. If the cache is the same size as the typical amount of data the program access at any one given time, then we can put that data into the cache and access most of the data at a very high speed. Unfortunately, the data rarely sits in contiguous memory locations; usually, there's a few bytes here, a few bytes there, and some bytes somewhere else. In general, the data is spread out all over the address space. Therefore, the cache design has got to accommodate the fact that it must map data objects at widely varying addresses in memory.

The idea of a cache system is that we can attach a different (non-contiguous) address to each of the cache lines. So cache line #0 might correspond to addresses $10000..$1000F and cache line #1 might correspond to addresses $21400..$2140F. Generally, if a cache line is n bytes long (n is usually some power of two) then that cache line will hold n bytes from main memory that fall on an n-byte boundary.

When the cache controller reads a cache line from a lower level in the memory hierarchy, a good question is "where does the data go in the cache?" The most flexible cache system is the fully associative cache. In a fully associative cache subsystem, the caching controller can place a block of bytes in any one of the cache lines present in the cache memory. While this is a very flexible system, the flexibility is not without cost.

At the other extreme is the direct mapped cache. In a direct mapped cache, a block of main memory is always loaded into the same cache line in the cache. Generally, some number of bits in the main memory address select the cache line. For example, shows how the cache controller could select a cache line for an 8 Kilobyte cache with 16-byte cache lines and a 32-bit main memory address.
Perhaps the biggest problem with a direct-mapped cache is that it may not make effective use of all the cache memory. For example, the cache scheme maps address zero to cache line #0. It also maps address $2000 (8K), $4000 (16K), $6000 (24K), $8000 (32K), and, in fact, it maps every address that is an even multiple of eight kilobytes to cache line #0. This means that if a program is constantly accessing data at addresses that are even multiples of 8K and not accessing any other locations, the system will only use cache line #0, leaving all the other cache lines unused. Each time the CPU requests data at an address that is not at an address within cache line #0, the CPU will have to go down to a lower level in the memory hierarchy to access the data. In this pathological case, the cache is effectively limited to the size of one cache line.

If a fully associative cache organization is too complex, expensive, and slow to implement, but a direct-mapped cache organization isn't as good as we'd like, one might ask if there is a compromise that gives us more capability that a direct-mapped approach without all the complexity of a fully associative cache. The answer is yes, we can create an n-way set associative cache which is a compromise between these two extremes. The idea here is to break up the cache into sets of cache lines. The CPU selects a particular set using some subset of the address bits, just as for direct-mapping. Within each set there are n cache lines. The caching controller uses a fully associative mapping algorithm to select one of the n cache lines within the set.

As an example, an 8 kilobyte two-way set associative cache subsystem with 16-byte cache lines organizes the cache as a set of 256 sets with each set containing two cache lines ("two-way" means each set contains two cache lines). Eight bits from the memory address select one of these 256 different sets. Then the cache controller can map the block of bytes to either cache line within the set). The advantage of a two-way set associative cache over a direct mapped cache is that you can have two accesses on 8 Kilobyte boundaries (using the current example) and still get different cache lines for both accesses. However, once you attempt to access a third memory location at an address that is an even multiple of eight kilobytes you will have a conflict.


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