Sych Artyom Victorovich
Faculty of Electronic Computers and Informatics
Sub-faculty: Application Mathematics and Informatics
Speciality: Economic Cybernetics
Theme of final work: Modelling cash flow of the risk
Scientific instructor assistant professor Grigoriev Alexander Vladimirovich
Childhood and Early Talent
I was born in Makeevka on the sevens of September 1982. I attended kindergarten. I liked to play with children. I was always interested in everything around me.
School Years
I entered the first form of the secondary school number 34 in Makeevka. I was en excellent pupil at school. My favorite subject was mathematics. I didn’t like history and geography. I took an active part in the school life. I was the leader of the pioneer star. After finishing the ninth form I entered the Technical School of Builders. I graduated from the Technical School and received the diploma Builder-Mechanic.
I attended the course of playing the accordion at the Place of Children and Youth Out in Makeevka. But I didn’t follow my future study of accordion playing as well as boxing with I attended studying at the technical school. I go in for non-professional heavy athletics at present. I have been doing it for 5 years.
Choosing of the university and future profession
In 2001 I began to think over my future career and further study. I liked only three higher Educational Establishments in Donetsk. National University, Technical University and Medical University. I didn’t like the profession of a teacher and doctor at all and I decided to enter the Technical University. The more so there was military faculty. This gave me a great opportunity for my future profession. But I was to decide which faculty to enter. So I decided to receive new speciality of Economic Cybernetics it attracted me very much. I should say it wasn’t the magic word Cybernetics that attracted me very much but the fact that specialists of this class feel themselves very good in Economics and in Computing. I liked the faculty very much and did become the student.
Scientific achievements while studying at the University
1I took part in the scientific students conference “Physics and new Technologies” on the may 2003. I suggested my article “Theory of torsion Field”. I won the prize for the best result at the section. I took part in conference and Olympiads during my study at the university.
I am a member of local trade union committee
Thanks to our committee I had an opportunity to visit Kiev, Crimea, Yalta. I liked Kiev most of all. I think that there is special atmosphere in the air of the capital.
My specialty
In January I received the profession of bachelor. My profession is “Programmed Equipment of Automatic Systems” at present I study specialty of “Finances”.
Practical Experience
As for my practical experience, at the beginning of 2004 I started working as a programmer at the agency “Arbat”. In spring of 2004 I worked as an economist at the plan section of Department Monitoring Implementation Punishment. In autumn of 2005 and at present moment I am a programmer at CB Misto Bank.
Master work
The theme of my master work is “Modelling cash flow of the risk”. The question of investing risk are exposed rather fully. And as far as to more concrete branch it is not investigated thoroughly and my task is to investigated it and to work out methods of marking the efficiency of investing management. I’ll do my best and try to offer to the scientific society my vision of this question using the method of mathematic analyses. The chief of my diploma project is Grigoriev Alexander Vladimirovich.
The future of my profession and my future
The leavers of specialty “Economy Cybernetics” are the specialist that Ukraine needs very much because our state is looking forward Europe. The specialist of this field integrate their knowledge of economic processes going on in the country and the models and information technologies with the aim of managing social economic, technical and ecological systems. I hope I’ll became experienced and qualifying programmer and I am going to enter post graduated studentship. I hope to finish my present beginnings in the nearest future. I am eager to bring a great contribution to the development of my state and international community on the whole.