My biography
Shkvar Anna SergeevnaFaculty: Mining-geological
Department: "Mineral deposits and ecological geology"
Speciality: Ecological geology
Theme of master's thesis: "Ecological concequences of exploitation of Nikitovka ore field"
Scientific supervisor:professor, doctor of geology-mineralogical sciences Korchemagin V.
My name is Shkvar Anna Sergeevna. I was born on March, 7, 1984 in the city of Makeevka, Donetsk region.
I have friendly and happy family. My father Shkvar Sergey Anatolevich was born on Febryari, 22, 1954. My mather Shkvar Tatayna Vitalevna was born on April, 22, 1958.
When I was a little girl I visited a centre of children’s works “Stork”. Where I was fond very much of dances.
In 1991 I went to school number 49. Where I was given good education. I studied in mathematical form. At school I visited a circle of knitting. I finished school perfectly.
In 2001 I entered the Donetsk national technical university on speciality “Ecological geology”, because I think ecology is a very necessary science.
At the time of studying I participated in conferences and different competitiones connected with ecology. My first article “Ecology and health of population in Donetsk region” was publication in the collection of International conferences (Novosibirsk). Also I participated in the 3d regional students conference AllUkrainian ecological league where I received diploma for the best report. Besides I participated in AllUkrainian students scientific confest. The article “Mercury in the coal of Nikitovka mines” was published in the collection.
My scientific supervisor is the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences professor of the Minerals and ecological cathedra Korchemagin V.A.
The theme of my masters' work was chosen during the passing of the second practical training for students. It sounds as “Ecological concequences of exploitation of Nikitovka ore field”. My second practical training was in Gorlovka and supported by grand company CRDF. Korchemagin Victor Aleksandrovich is the responsible leader on theme “Ecological and medical concequences of long exploitation mercury’s ores Gorlovka”, and I am an executor from the young researches.