Master's thesis
Piston installation for rotary drilling will consist of a stabilizing
support with two directing racks and a shell for rotary drilling. The
shell is fixed in the carriage which provides to a shell two degrees of
Installation falls from a vessel on a rope of the basic ship lebedka,
the rope auxiliary lebedki is used for maintenance of a hose in an
operating time of installation and descent of its rise behind a board of
a vessel. After production of a support on a bottom of the sea on a
delivery hose the pump sea water moves. The hydraulic engine of
installation is started, and process of drilling is made, the shell
goes deep into a ground which fills kolonkovuy in a pipe.
After the termination of job of the mechanism installation lift also
special arms strengthen on false-to a board of a vessel.
Column a pipe take out from directing, turn off koronka and take a
core. The vessel at this time passes to other point.
The shell for rotary drilling will consist of a hydraulic engine, the
converter and the pump.
The hydraulic engine serves for transformation of energy submitted to wash
to a liquid in energy of forward moving the mechanism.
The converter serves for transformation of progress of the piston of a
hydraulic engine to rotary movement column a set.
The pump provides local return washing a chink and creates additional
loading on bace at the expense of underpressure in column a pipe.
The shell as follows works.
Starting position: the piston of a hydraulic engine in the bottom
position. The inlet valve is closed, the exhaust valve is open.
At submission of a working liquid. She passes between the cylinder and
the case of a hydraulic engine, gets in the bottom cavity of the
cylinder of a hydraulic engine.
Under action of pressure of a liquid on the piston, last starts to rise.
When the top terminator will reach the exhaust valve, the spring since
pressure of a liquid keeps the valve, inlet and final, in a starting
position starts to be compressed.
At the moment of impact of the bottom terminator about the top
terminator, the spring is quickly unclenched and closes the exhaust
valve which a pusher opens the inlet valve.
The liquid starts to act in the top and bottom cavities of the cylinder.
Pressure of a liquid in the bottom and top cavities of the cylinder is
equalized, but as the working area of the piston on the part of the top
cavity of the cylinder more than its area from below the piston will
direct downwards.
As soon as the bottom terminator will reach a nut of draft, the spring
starts to be compressed. At impact of terminators, the spring unclenches
and opens the exhaust valve, thus the inlet valve is closed. Pressure in
the top cavity of the cylinder falls, the piston starts to rise upwards,
the cycle repeats.
Job of the converter.
At a course of the piston upwards, together with it the extension piece
of a rod in which two fingers are fixed moves. On each finger two
bearings of sliding are established.
Bearings of the top finger enter in vertical damage a directing branch
pipe which takes up the twisting moment and does not allow the piston to
rotate about the axis.
The bottom finger the bearings enters into a screw groove of a screw
branch pipe, therefore at progress by extension pieces of a rod bearings
slide on sides screw damage and turn a screw branch pipe about the axis.
As a result of job of the converter reversive - rotary movement of a
screw branch pipe turns out. To submit on column a set the right
rotation and to exclude reversively rotary it is stipulated faster gear
toth-type coupling, which are oblique in one side (to the left). Bottom it is
connected with top polushpindelem. The spring presses bottom to top.
Toth-type coupling in a screw branch pipe it is made in the left side. At a course of
the piston upwards a screw branch pipe turn to the left, in the hooked
status, column the set turns together with a screw branch pipe. At a
course of the piston downwards the screw branch pipe turns to the right,
and will be be relative each other since at in one side,
therefore rotation on column the set will not be passed.
For increase of number of revolutions column pipes and, hence,
mechanical speed of drilling the converter can work reversively rotary
mode. In this case kolonkovy the pipe rigidly fastens with a screw
branch pipe. All carving connections should is stopped.
Job of the pump for carrying out for carrying out chisel in a column
At a course of the piston upwards in a cavity of a spindle it is created
, the spherical valve opens, and the liquid from column pipes acts in
a cavity of a spindle, the spherical valve is closed. At a course of the
piston downwards the spherical valve is closed, the liquid opens the
valve and leaves in space between external column a pipe and internal.
Then in a chink. Return is created which as is known, is effective way
of improvement of quality of a core. |