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Donetsk National Technical UniversityÄîíåöüêèé Íàö³îíàëüíèé Òåõí³÷íèé Óí³âåðñèòåò![]() ![]()
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Stadnyuk Jury VladimirovichMining - geological facultyGroup ÒÒR-01
Theme of work:A subsea well formation feature research by submersible hydraulically actuated shellsSupervisor: docent Jushkov Ivan Alexandrovich |
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The urgency of conduct work
The represented development concerns to offshore drilling engineering-geological wells on a shelf.
Offshore engineering-geological driiling takes leading place in a offshore
engineering-geological researches complex. In present, only this method ensures reception of quantitative
values of the physic-mechanical soil parameters. The modern practice of offshore engineering-geological researches has lots of drilling methods.
For increase in productivity of bore plant, increase of their use profitability,
reduction of cost bottom's rock sampling is necessary permanent research of sampling material process,
with the purpose of choices rational drilling method in concrete deposit conditions.
The purpose and problems of research work
The purpose of research work is discovering of the influence mechanism stream water on subsea well formation process.
In this work have been lay down and solve following problems:
The prospective scientific novelty
Available erosion soil samplers have a number of defects, as that: restriction on drilling rocks, on drilling depth, on monolit safety.
The developed scheme allows to realize a two-regime cycle of works:
The review of available development the set
The analysis of already existing technologies and designs with the purpose of revealing, finally, their positives and negatives for creation of a new model sampler therefore is supposed.At construction the Stalingrad's Hydroelectric power station have been developed and introduced by group of workers: N. D. Duginets, G. À. Seleznev, N. J. Artemyev and Ì. D. Nepenkin a method of hydraulic drilling in a combination with vibrators. This method has gotten the name «hydrovibrodrilling». The method of the wells building consists that dipping pipe in a soil and its partial destruction are made by the vibrator, and final destruction of a soil and its extraction from pipe are made to hydravlic method.
The conducting researches, in the former USSR and abroad, the opportunity of effective rocks destruction is shown by pressure non-stop jets.
At National mountain university (Dnipropetrovsk) is developed the design the tool for ring drillings, consisting of the ring case with washing channels and hydromonitor nozzles.
The Rig ÊÌÎ-3 of laboratory MITMGEO allows to select mmonolits in length up to 4 m and diameter 100 mm from sandy deposits of average density, at depth of the sea up to 30 m. Hydroshock has the hydromonitor nozzle providing use of the fulfilled liquid on washout ring space.
Developed A.A.Skochinsky NNC SF-IM together with the Tula state technical university and firm NITEP hydromechanical method of destruction of rocks consists in simultaneous influence on a destroyed massif of high pressure water jets and the mechanical tool.
The Hydrosampler PO-70 is intended for sampling at drilling in sand, silt, clay with a parameter of consistence more than 0,25, and also in loamy soil and loam.
The basic negative - significant time of selection (> 45 minutes) and insufficient,
for the dense deposits, getting ability.
The rig hydrovibrating submersible (UGVP) are intended for one-trip drilling wells in soils a sandy-argillaceous complex with prolayers of hard rocks.
The Borehole mining method is based on in-situ water jet cutting of rock mass. BHM is the remote mining method of extracting of mineral resources through boreholes by high-pressure water jets. The borehole-mining tool is lowered into the borehole and at the bottom part of the tool, one portion of that water comes out through the hydro monitor nozzle in a shape of water jet and cuts the material creating slurry, the eductor sucks the slurry and pumps it up to the surface.
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