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Site of master of DonNTU Bashev Vladimir Gennadievich
Master of DonNTU - Bashev Vladimir Gennadievich BASHEV VLADIMIR GENNADIEVICH
Faculty: "Computer Informational Technologies and Automation"
Major: " Automated Control Systems (ACS)"
Dissertation topic:
Leader : prof. Lazdin S.V.
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As rule, a modern large machine-building enterprise is complex by structure and producing units interrelations. Nowadays complex automation of manufacture and management is very useful in mechanical engineering and other industries.

The subsystem of day-to-day management takes the central place in enterprise operation, because it is the main functional subsystem in enterprise automated control.

It really influences the efficiency activity of the enterprise and serves as a link between all other subsystems of enterprise automated control system. Tasks of day-to-day management include maintenanine of the enterprise rhythmical work of according to schedule. The features of tasks of day-to-day management are: laboriousness, inconvenience, need of results necessity in short terms, etc.

So the automation of day-to-day management will allow to solve these problems, and to raise the planning parameters.

The purpose and tasks

To develop a method of intrashop day-to-day management ; to develop a program module of the automatization process intrashop planning; to test the program module in real conditions.

Scientific novelty

The traditional methods were dominated in construction of control systems over last: linear, nonlinear, adaptive methods, etc.

However this method not always allows to carry out robust control of complex non-stationary objects. This circumstance was reason to develop a new scientific direction - intellectual control systems.

Intellectual control systems are the control systems capable to "understanding" and training concerning object of management and disturbance of an environment. The main difference of intellectual systems - presence of the mechanism of system processing of knowledge.

Therefore the purpose of work is a realization of the program module on the basis of artificial intellect methods that allow to carry out intrashop planning effectively.

Practical value

It will allow to solve quickly and effectively in practice problems of day-to-day production planning. The developed program module will allow to reduce an expense of material and time resources for performance of production planning, will raise quality of processing of the information and quality of result of processing, having excluded the mistakes connected with the human factor.

The conclusion

Thus, day-to-day management is a very labour-consuming problem. It's decision has great value for work of all enterprise. The traditional decision approach include essential lacks, so, to recive new methods, wich will be based on articial intellect system. And which will help to create more flexible models is planned as a result.

List of information sources

  1. Усков А.А. Интеллектуальные технологии управления, М:Горячая линия – Телеком, 2004.
  2. Егоров М.Е. Основы проектирования машиностроительных заводов, Высшая школа, 1969.
  3. Егоров М.Е. Технология машиностроения, Высшая школа, 1976.
  4. Мосталыгин Г.П. Технология машиностроения, Машиностроение, 1990.
  5. Суслов А.Г. Научные основы технологии машиностроения, Машиностроение, 2002.
  6. Каменицер С.Е. Автоматизированная система управления машиностроительным предприятием, Машиностроение, 1971.
  7. Глушков В.М. Планирование дискретного производства в условиях АСУ”, Техника, 1975.
  8. Соколицын С.А. Многоуровневая система оперативного управления ГПС в машиностроении, Политехника, 1991.
  9. Смоляр Л.И. Модели оперативного планирования в дискретном производстве, Наука, 1978.
  10. Шкурба В.В., и др. Планирование дискретного производства в условиях АСУ. Техніка, 1975.
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