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Site of master of DonNTU Bashev Vladimir
Master of DonNTU - Bashev Vladimir BASHEV VLADIMIR
Faculty: "Computer Informational Technologies and Automation"
Major: " Automated Control Systems (ACS)"
Dissertation topic:
Leader : prof. Lazdin S.V.
biography | abstract | library | links | search report | my project


1/21/1985 - I was born in Donetsk, where I live at present. I remember nothing from preschool years, except flying by the plane to Sochi and breaking a nose in kindergarten.


I went to school in 1991. When I was in the second grade, I received a book called “The Encyclopedia of the professor Fortran” from my farther. I started to rave by words “Pascal”, "Algorithm", "Microprocessor", etc. Because of this book, possibly, the field of my occupation is information technology.

In the third grade I became fond of swimming and started studying English in school №70. I didn't become a sportsman though... I didn't show really good results at the competitions. All the same, I continued my swimming training. In 1995 I first visited match of FC” Shaktar” with my father. Thereafter I am a devoted fan of this club.

Long-awaited acquaintance with computer happened in 1996. It was a computer of my cousin, who had finished school by that time and had entered the DonNTU. The computer was called "Minsk" and had a processor Intel 80286. It could work without failures only for 20 minutes.

That year I started the computer course, where I was learning computer technics and programming. In a short while my brother got a new computer Pentium 133MHz. As a result I had got his old one. It was good enough to study Turbo Pascal 7.0 and to play the best game for i80286 Supaplex. Soon I got lucky to get a new computer. At last I was able to install Windows 98.

In 10-th grade I started to think about a place to get my professional education. My parents graduated DonNTU. Therefore I decided to enter the same school. In 11-th grade I was taking DonNTU preparatory courses and thought of a choice of my major. I had to make a choice between PO (faculty of VT) and ASU (faculty of KITA). I considered for a long time. A decisive role in this choice was played by my brother. By that time he was a student of ASU department in DonNTU. In the summer I passed exams and here I am: a student of DonNTU.


Five years have elapsed. Lots of interesting things have happened throughout these years. The most remembered events of my student's life are training on military faculty and two trips on matches FC "Shakhtar": to Kiev for the ukrainian footbal cup-final 2003 and to Odessa for the ukarainian Supercup 2003. At the beginning of the fourth year I have been thinking, what degree I would like to receive: specialist's or master's. I have decided to continue studying in magistracy. With this decision, I asked Lazdin S.V. to become my master's work leader. Together we formulated the theme of ny masters project: "DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS AND SOFTWARE OF MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEPARTMENTS OF MACHINE-BUILDING INDUSTRY", which is actual for our region and is interesting for me.

Post Scriptum

I don't have far-reaching plans for the future. I crack problems as they receive. That's my moto! So I see no sense in making far going future plans.

At present primary tasks are reception of the diploma and job hunting.

biography | abstract | library | links | search report | my project