Development of models and program solutions for
machinery plant production management system*
The problems of industrial processes optimization are
widely spread in the field of efficient production management. They belong to
the family of complex optimization and combinatorial problems (the real
dimension problems belong to the class of NP-complete ones).The development of a common analytical production
model still represents an unsolved problem for the scientists of today. But the
great progress in the field of computer technologies provides them with means
of imitation modeling and net techniques that can be well adopted to the
creation of effective production management solutions.
Thus, the development of an effective and flexible imitation model of
industrial process becomes one of the problems of today.
General scheme of industrial process optimization technique.
Figure 1 represents the outline of industrial process optimization.
Figure 1 - General scheme of industrial process optimization technique.
Figure 1 shows that the solution of industrial process optimization problem can be represented by 2 main operations:
- development of industrial process model;
- elaboration of optimization algorithm.
The optimization apparatus is currently represented by the techniques that allow of no
strict mathematical optimum substantiation. These techniques include heuristic methods
(common sense- and expert experience-based algorithms), genetic algorithms, neural networks
and diverse hybrid methods.
As for the industrial process modeling, the simulation modeling method stays a strong
leader in this field. The development of the analytical production process model is
extremely complicated. Therefore the major part of solutions does not result in creation
of an accurate model. It’s also inadmissible to experiment on a real model.
Thus, today the simulation modeling represents a fundamental tool to obtain the
production system parameters.
At the best, the simulation model run-through ensures the results at the only point of
solution search space. Therefore it is necessary to conduct a series of experiments on
the imitation model that will cover a wide range of solutions. In the traditional simulation
modeling systems the purposefulness of such experiments is ensured by a developer specialist.
Analysis and expediency grounding of a modeling method.
A great diversity is not a common feature of the complex system simulation methods in general and
of the production process simulation methods in particular.
At present the commonly used methods are represented by
- simulation modeling;
- network modeling.
The main goal of this project is to develop an object-oriented library of machinery construction components
that will be subsequently used for the elaboration of the production simulation model.
The simulation modeling expediency is present together with one of the following conditions:
there is no complete mathematical formulation of the problem in question.
Or the well stated mathematical model still doesn’t have the analytical solution methods;
there are analytical solution methods, but they include the mathematical procedures that are
too complicated and time-consuming. In this case the imitation modeling represents a more
simple and efficient solution technique;
in addition to the evaluation of certain system parameters it is necessary to observe
the process run during certain period of time. The imitation modeling serves as a great
tool to implement the observation task in this case;
it is impossible to find a way of experimenting and conducting the observations on a real
process in a real-time environment;
the processes in question are of long-duration, so there is a need of time scale compression.
The following statements describe the drawbacks of simulation modeling technique:
the development of a high quality simulation model represents an expensive and
often time-consuming process requiring work of qualified specialists;
simulation model could be inaccurate and there are no techniques that would allow to
evaluate a degree of it’s inaccuracy. The only way to overcome this difficulty is to
analyze the model’s sensitivity towards certain parameter changes;
due to long-duration of an experiment with aid of the simulation model, the simulation
modeling technique is not for use in real-time control and management systems;
simulation models are not flexible enough to reflect all of the production environment
changes. There’s a need of much time and efforts to addopt a certain model for a certain
set of changing parameters.
As a part of a production management system the simulation model represents one of the
forms of controled object’s data representation. Together with management system’s
information maintenance the simulation model serves to support a decision
making process. It also serves as a data mining tool.
The use of simulation modeling in the process of operational management provides for the solution
of the following problems:
production planning;
external deliveries planning;
production process forecasting to detect the probability of a production plan fulfillment and to detect
the need of certain corrections;
evaluation and selection of management strategies.
Project objective.
The main goal of this project is to develop an object-oriented library of machinery
construction components and to create the production process simulation model using
this library. The simulation model is used to work out optimal time-tables for the
industrial plant sub-units. The evaluation of a time-table efficiency is conducted
by the following criteria:
- time duration of machine parts production cycle (Tc(time of cycle)->min);
- average machinery load coefficient (Cl(coefficient of load)->max).
In accordance with these criteria the following values should be obtained as a result of
modeling process:
- load coefficient for all types of machinery used in production process;
- average queue length for each type of machinery;
- machinery idle time duration;
- time duration of production cycle.
The use of object-oriented library containing machinery construction components would
allow to speed up and to simplify the development and the flexibility of an simulation
model in the process of it’s creation.
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* - prior version, completion of the thesis is expected till 31.12.2006.