Solovyova Julia
Faculty : CIT
Speciality : ACS
Theme of masters work: Development of automatic computer system of the optimal
composition of equipment definition of the manufacturing plant
Supervisor : professor Lazdyin S. V
About myself
My average màrk is 4.75. The level of English is sufficient for communication and correspondence. I have base knowledge of programming languages Borland Pascal, C, SQL, C ++ Builder, Delphi, Assembler, HTML. I have skills of work with graphic packages Corel, Photoshop, Flash, Makromedia Dreamweaver, Makromedia Fireworks. I like to travel, I take a great interest in the computer graphic. I consider myself as the cheerful and easygoing person.
One frosty winter day of December 4, 1983 I was
born - Solovjova Julia. Since my first breath I was surrounded with care and
love, being one daughter and grand daughter I became the centre of life of my
grandmothers, grandfathers and course my parents. My mother - Solovjova Irina ,
father - Gostishev Uriy. I was cheerful, energetic child. When to me was
executed 3, I have gone to a children's garden, certainly, this period I
remember poorly, but I remember my first friends (with some of them I was at
"School years - wonderful years ", its also
about my study at school. In my class I came completely unexpectedly: at I
first should went to the other school, but the last moment the plan changed and
I entered the ¹37. It was September 1, 1990. I studied in experimental class
with mathematical and physical profile. The school years have flown by, forever
having kept about itself the warmest memories. In my free time I was keen on
music and English. I am grateful to the teachers, which one have learned me to
work, to make purpose and to reach them. Hot summer 2000 - goodbye school, last
bell, the certificates, school-leaving certificate are issued. One more stage
passed, so much new in the future, there are a lot of plans ….
Choice of the future profession is one of the
turning-point in life of the person. «What do you want to do in your future
life»- its one of the difficult equation. The time has passed, you have grown
up and you should made the decision. It was really difficult for me , because I
couldn’t told what I want to do for that moment. After all, I decided to enter
Donetsk State Technical University (now Donetsk National Technical University).
I passed the interview and became a student of the faculty of Computer
Information Technology and Automatics (CITA), Automated Control System (ACS)
speciality. It was summer 2001. The university has appeared in my life and all
what connected with it : the lectures, session and certainly my favorite group
ACS01v. Quickly have flown by 4 years of my education in university. They were
full of funny and real student's life. In 2004 I received a bachelor's degree
in computer science (with honor) and was enrolled to a post-graduate course. At
the same time I study the second speciality "Finance" at International
University of the Finance, continue to learn English language. The theme of my
master's thesis is “Development of automatic computer system of the optimal
composition of equipment definition of the manufacturing plant”. My scientific
adviser, prof. Lasdin Sergey Vladimirivish is a good person and an excellent
Plans for the future
In near-term plans on the future is to write a
master's work and to protect it successfully, of course! To become the
qualified specialist. And if in global understanding its to find my own place
in the life and to realised as the personality.