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Magistr DonNTU Suhoruckov Dmitry Viktorovich

Suhoruckov Dmitry Viktorovich

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies & Automation
Speciality: Automated Control Systems (ACS)

Master's thesis subject: Optimization of the industrial technological systems in mechanical engineering by using the genetic algorithms

Scientific adviser: Sekirin Alexandr Ivanovich

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My biography:

About myself (main thing):

    During the period of study in the University my middle mark is 4.79. I fluent in Russian, and Ukranian language. I know English. I have an experience with Builder C ++ 6.0, SQL Server, Adobe Photoshop 7, CorelDRAW 10, Flash MX, BPwin 4, ERwin 4, NetCracker 3.1, MathCAD 2000, Delphi 7.0, VBA, FoxPro 7.0. I aspire to expand my knowledge. I take a great interest in sports: swimming, football and basketball.

The brief biography:

    Me, Suhoruckov Dmitry Viktorovich, was born on the 14th of February 1984. My father is a candidate of science. At that time He works in some scientific research institute and is engaged in invention of stuff, while my mum is engaged in education of children at school:) Her speciality is chemist-biologist.

  The childhood

   The Childhood was quite peacefully. Daily campaigns to the children's garden with a strange name "Marinka" came to an end with peace arrival home at the terms established by my parents. All days were easy and filled by pleasure game actions. Reading books and playing chess were shown at that time. On the last year of my childhood I already joined to checkers-chess club where I took part in a various competitions.


   At the beginning of my school years I had to give up my checkers-chess club because it impedes in my lessons. But my parents have brought me to ball dances club. And later I was seriously interested in basketball. With my team I took part in various competitions. The most serious achievement is a second place in the championship of the region area. The assignment of the sports category of basketball remains as a memoirs of those times.
   On the last school years (10-11 classes) my favourite subjects were - mathematics and English. The other subjects were fade, that today I cannot remember anything else, I learned with such enthusiasm at that time. It was no question what high school a should choose. At once it has been solved, that I should go on my fathers steps. So DonNTU waited for me. The choice of my future speciality has came suddenly, once the daddy, came home, and said, that there is no better speciality than ACS. I couldn’t enter the University by ratings to have the free education. But the medal had helped me, I was accepted after the interview without any problems.


    Since the first days I was sent to the group AsU-01a. The study was interesting. The most interesting subjects were: system programming, computer and microprocessors systems, organization of databases, genetic algorithm and so one. After I have got the red diploma of bachelor of computers sciences I decided to continue studying to get a masters degree. At that time I couldn't understand, what is the difference between expert and masters diploma. The theme of my master's degree work is « Optimization of the industrial technological systems in mechanical engineering by using the genetic algorithms », it is very actual today. My scientific supervisior is the candidate of engineering sciences, phd. Sekirin A.I.

  Plans and the purposes on the near future...

   In the nearest future I plan to protect my master's degree work successfully and to get the diploma of master's of computers sciences degree. Today, I am engaged in work by speciality, in the future I shall try to do my best, to success in the business.


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ðóñ óêð eng suhoruckov@mail.ru DonNTU CITA magisters