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Автореферат | Индивидуальное задание | Библиотека | Ссылки | Результат поиска |
Solenaya Oksana Yaroslavovna |
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Master's degree of electrical engineering faculty (EtF) Speciality: Electrotechnical Systems of Electroconsumption (ESE) Theme of the work: "Influence of the human factor on maintenance of reliability and safety of technical object" Headmaster: Candidat of Technical Sciense , Jakimishina Victoria Victorovna e-mail: ksenchik_soul@mail.ru |
Freely I know the Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English well. My computer skills: programs MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MathCAD, Autocad, Internet Explorer. I was born on May, 17th, 1983 in a light small beautiful small town of Donetsk area with the bright name Svetlodarsk. This city was constructed owing to construction of Uglegorsk thermal power station which supplies with its electric power. My grandmother and grandfather Nedrigajlovy Maria Egorovna and Vasily Dmitrievich were invited in that district to the station construction as young experts in 1971 and were one of founders of this city. Their daughter, my mum, Nadegda Vasilievna, met there the love - my daddy, Zradovskogo Jaroslav Petrovicha, also the young expert - power, and together they created " a cell of society", and the result of it my senior sister, Zradovskaya Lilia Jaroslavovna, and I became. The childhood is happy, carefree, bright time in my life. At the age of 1,5 I went to kindergarden "Berezka". I remember walks in the group on children's pavilions, colorful fantastic heroes in the form of sculptures in kindergarden and every possible swings there. Tutors were kind and careful, and I grew as an inquisitive, kind and nimble child. In 1989 I went to the first class of comprehensive school of 11 cities of Svetlodarsk. I studied diligently, my favourite subjects were algebra, geometry, chemistry and physics. I was also fond of languages - Russian and the literature, English were one of favourite subjects. At the age of 7 I was engaged in dancing collective where we were taught every possible dances. Bright enough moments of my life are connected with it. We acted with concerts in several cities in the region, everything passed cheerfully and roughly, emotions overflew! Also the solemn moment of departure from dancing when on a stage after our performance under a thunder of applause I was presented with a crystal vase was remembered. My departure therefrom was connected with entrance to Gorlovsk industrial technical school after the finishing of the 9-th class. As at school I studied well, I wanted to check up the forces at entrance, if I could? I managed to do it. In 1998 I passed to a new vital stage – I became student GIT on speciality "The Installation and operation of industrial buildings and inhabitants structures electric equipment". The studying in technical school made me independent and self-confident, gave the basic energetic concepts. After the finishing technical school I firmly decided to enter the institute and to expand the horizons. I chose Donetsk National Technical University and speciality "Electrotechnical systems of electrosupply" at once. The name "DPI" inspired a lot of emotions and associations with cheerful students and at the same time with a powerful smithy of the staff and the keeper of every possible knowledge in various branches of economy and the industry. And here my student's life began since the first of September 2002 at university. The first course was various and defining, then I studied to overcome difficulties. To study was very pleasant, constantly there were all new interests, entertaining subjects were taught. I also tried to participate in a public life of my group. On the 1-st course, and then and in other group since the 4-th course I was the head of group, and also. The years of study flied very fast. On the third course I entered the second speciality in DonNTU "Economic - lawers management". In fact the true engineer necessarily should have knowledge in the field of economy and management, and, certainly, laws. To combine two specialities occurred quite real, sometimes knowledge from the second speciality was useful and on the first, and on the contrary. Participation in Olympics on "Theoretical bases electrical engineers" and to "Electric machines", in conference on "Business Ukrainian language" was very much remembered. On 4-th course, participating with the report at the conference devoted out "Day of a science" which it was held on department EPG, I started to work with managing faculty, professor Kovalev Alexander Petrovich who subsequently indirectly became my supervisor of studies. He offered me very interesting and vital topic: "Influence of the human factor on safety of nuclear stations". In the further in the collection of proceedings DonNTU of a series "The Electrical engineer and the power" (issue 112) our article on the subject of: "About mathematical modeling accident, happened with choke PRW on the atomic power station Three-mail-Island in the USA in 1979" was published. In these works I was written down under maiden name Zradovskaya. On 5-th rate I have married the remarkable person, the teacher of department "Electromecanics and TBE", Soleniy Sergey Valentinovich. As it has appeared, the marriage only positively influences study, always and in all feel support of the close person, and, certainly, at us many the general themes in professional work. After successfully passing state examinations I decided to go further on the scientific line, to develop the knowledge in the field of power and reliability. And so I went to a master’s courses. My chief became Candidat Technical Sciense, the senior lecturer of department EPG, Jakimishina Victoria Victorovna. I have been working on theme of reliability of the human factor, the account of its influence on reliability and safety of technical objects. My theme is very actual in modern conditions of the industry and for energetic on the whole. The account and the actions estimation of the person-operator on production at operation of technical objects enables to supervise occurrence of accidents and every possible malfunctions in electric equipment and on technological objects. The theme is very important for my speciality as safety and uninterrupted operation of electrosupply, therefore represents the big interest and for me. In the future I plan to graduate from master’s courses, applying the knowledge and skills received at university, improving them during work, completely to be realized in professional work, to have a prestigious job and to carry out the dream of round-the-world travel! |
Автореферат | Индивидуальное задание | Библиотека | Ссылки | Результат поиска |