Faculty of geotechnologies and production management

Cathedra of labour and aerology protection




The theme of the master's scientific work is:

"Improvement of measures aimed at complex dedusting of mine air at mine №22 “Kommunarskaya” to decrease the occurrence of black-lung diseases (dust etimology)"

Superviser : Yaylo Vladimir Vasilievich



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   Mine dust is the main cause of pneumoconiosis (dust disease) and bronchitis of mine workers.

   Pneumoconiosis is a chronic occupational disease which is characterized by the development of diffuse fibrinogenous changes in lungs as a result of long contact with industrial dust, which has fibrinogenous characteristics. In this connection it is especially important to improve methods of control of dust level in the mine atmosphere and definition of its influence on professional diseases of dust etiology.

   The increase of professional diseases of dust etiology is explained by the dust concentration, silicon dioxide in it, metamorphism of the worked coal, air temperature and other mine-geological conditions.

   In recent years there have been increase in the number of miners who have two and more professional diseases. Disability caused by professional diseases leads to loss of workforce at mines – miners retire before pension age. That is why the control of mine dust is the urgent task during all kinds of mining works.

Aim and tasks:

   To reduce significantly the number of professional sickness rate at mines. To develop measures for decrease of dust concentration to the maximum permissible level. Complex application of different methods to prevent, decrease dust generation, ways of dust control and dedusting of the mine air.


   In the present situation non-traditional methods and modern ways of statistical modeling in the sphere of medicine and labour protection will help to decrease professional sickness rate significantly. These methods are based on the principles of the systems analysis of professional health risk and mechanisms of professional diseases development. To achieve this it is necessary that each enterprise implements automatic system of collection and assessment of medical information, prognostication and prevention of occupational disease, which takes into account specific character of working conditions in mines.

General information

Description of mine № 22 “Kommunarskaya”

   Mine №22 “Kommunarskaya” beame part of “Shakhtoupravlenie Donbass” on 18th of November 2004.

   Mine field is located on the territory of Shakhtyorsky district of Donetsk region.

   Coal-bearing strata in the mine field is С52. Coal budget includes seams k5 , k14 , k3 , k12 , k2

   In terms of methane it is extra-category. Seams are not bounce-dangerous.

   Produced coal is used for energy production and domestic demand.

    The mine accomplishes a series of technical and hygiene and sanitary measures ensuring normal working conditions and prevention of occupational diseases.

Complex mine dedusting.

   Complex measures for air dedusting include:

   - to decrease dust concentration to the norm sprinkling with water, water solutions and sprayers in places of technological operations is used;

   - Water used for dust suppression has to conform to bacteriological and toxicological standards (2874-82). Periodicity of cleaning is to be defined by the mine management;

   - Dedusting by compressed air blowing is forbidden;

   - Workers exposed to dust are supplied with respirators (“Lepestok”, РПА-1) in accordance with the industry norms;

   - Cleaning of respirators’ filters is fulfilled after each working shift.


Review of the present and future results.

   With the aim of efficient use of modern technologies of health maintenance it is necessary to coordinate legal, social-economic, medical and professional spheres. Particularly it is necessary to improve the regulations concerning medical and sanitary provision of miners, to work out a new edition of sanitary rules “Coal-mining enterprises”, to restore workshop principle of workers’ servicing and to develop and implement modern technology of dispensary workers treatment, etc.

Complex measures for prevention of dust diseases.

   These measures include social-legal, medical and organisation-technical measures for dust suppression and control of dust level in mine air.

   Among social and legal measurs are prohibition for women and teenagers under 18 to work underground as they are most likely to get pneumoconiosis.

   Annual lungs x-raying is compulsory. In case of discovering disease it is necessary to transfer workers to those kinds of work which are not connected with dustiness.

   It is compulsory to measure dust level at work places at least once in a quarter during 75% of a shift taking into account all production processes, breaks and working norm not less than 80%.

   Apart from social and legal measures to prevent pneumoconiosis it is compulsory to use respirators and biological methods.

   Special measures for labour protection and social conditions improvement are very important.


   On the basis of the carried research it is possible to draw the following conclusions:

   - necessity to control mine air dustiness and examine its role in appearance of miners’ occupational diseases;

   - quality carrying out of measures for dust suppression;

   - complex application of different ways of prevention, reduction of dust generation and dedusting;

   - improvement of social and domestic conditions which improve organisms ability to resist diseases;

   - creation of shopfloor health services;

   - decrease of airborne dust;

   - cleaning of air from airborne dust;

   - wide application of informational and analytical systems at mines.

   So, at present it is important to carry out complex dedusting measures, it is necessary to implement new methods of dust suppression, as the pneumoconiosis rate is increasing.


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