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Abstract"Efficiency improvement of standardized multi-factor method of personality research"Science supervisor: senior lecturer of CSM department Gubenko Natalie |
Topicalty. Age of stormily developing technologies, including informative, requires from the
man of permanent restudying and perfection of the professional knowledges. In this communication the task
of choice of professions proper to the actual capabilities and individual and personality features of man
becomes topical. The only perfect personality research method can help in the effective decision of this
problem, realized by modern computer technologies. One of such methods is the standardized multifactor
personality research (SMPR).
The SMPR has large informative base and requires large labour and temporal resources for the analysis
and interpretation. Therefore it would be important to computerized the research system for the increase of
efficiency of choice of profession by the electronic professionally and oriented testing.
Motivation. The choice of theme of master's degree work was related to actuality of problem,
by interest to social researches and desire to create jointly with science and researching institute of
medical problems of the Donetsk state medical university real, useful automated system.
Purpose and tasks of work.
The increase of efficiency of conducting of the professionally-oriented testing with the use of
information technologies a computer and is a research purpose.
In achievement of this purpose will help the following set problems:
Local reviewMultifactor analysis of the SMPR personality, intended for multifactor estimation of steady individual features, and also diagnostics of degree of adaptation, study of structure of the clinical state or exposure of steady professionally important inclinations. The text of questionnaire includes 566 points, which touch the feel, habits, conduct, prevailing experiencing and mood, attitudes toward different vital phenomena, interpersonality relations, orientation of interests. As a result of treatment get indexes for to 10 base scales, and also for to 3 control scales intended for determination of relation of examinees to testing, verification of negligence, ununderstanding, no frankness or intentional distortion of results. Estimation of results is based on the reliable difference of answers of representative groups of persons with certain abnormal psychology syndromes from the group of healthy people. The computer program of the SMPR test on an output gives a portrait to personality, in which successive, on the basis of integration of all indexes of type is lighted the spheres of activity, where the certain capabilities of personality most strongly show up. Some improvements are conducted in an update computer version: new method of estimation of informing of assertion, application of method for determination of vocational orientation, the SMPR association with the Lyushera test for clarification of the emotional state tested. On the figure 1 is showed animation of system testing common structure.
ConclusionThe task of analysis and exposure of the SMPR features is attained, due to systems approach and consideration of foreign and preceding developments. The analysis of methods and development of models of the SMPR improvement is conducted by possibilities of the object-oriented design. The analysis and organization of efficiency of functioning of the system was talked about and ratified by the scientific supervisor - senior lecturer Губенко Н.Е. and scientific supervisor from science and researching institute Herasimov I. Development of informative structure realized by technology of databases of Microsoft Access. Development of algorithms of the system was conducted in the C++ Builder 6.0. programming environment. List of references
1. Многофакторный анализ личности СМИЛ (MMPI) http://www.sensus-ego.ru
* On site form moment the magistry work isn't ended. The date of ending is january, 2008. |
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