DonNTU masters
Кострицкий Дмитрий Сергеевич
По-русски In english

"Researching of a Internet-system projects management"


Author: Kostritsky Dmitry

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Ladyzhensky Jury

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The main advantage of concept Open Source - an innovative orientation. Open Source plays a huge role in development of the most demanded and perspective technologies. It in the first turn web technologies owing to what for считанные years the Internet has entangled all world. According to data the grasp on the basis of "Open Source" in this sector reaches up to 85-90 %. There is less than merit Open Source in development of industrial networks and ON for corporate servers. It is necessary to note a role of adherents " Open Source " in development of three-level architecture "Client-server" which any system of industrial automation does not manage[4].

Model Open Source supports all aspects of the given processes and provides developers with methodology for reception as an end-product of the software of very high quality (fig.1).

Open Source management process

Figure 1 – Open Source management process

Principles of program engineering and problem of maintenance of quality are necessary, but not the sufficient conditions, allowing to be up to standard of requirements of the modern market. Thus reduction of duration of production cycles, and as minimization of demanded resources is necessary. Careful adaptation of software products according to functional requirements of customers is necessary. Software developers and managers often deal with serious and inconsistent problems. The project represented by report Open Source dotProject - a package for projects management.

dotProject it is the administrative project developed for the help in manipulation of certain works.

The dotProject is technically supported and developed by group of volunteers and other persons independently[2, p. 28].

Substantiation of a urgency of the work

In all developed countries management of projects is recognized by the important methodology and the tool of planning, the control and coordination of realization of projects. Unfortunately in our country management of projects very long time was not considered as area of professional work and only with integration into economic the opportunity of realization of the saved up experience of management in realization of many projects is represented.
Together with rough changes in an economic life of our country vary both our settled concepts and habitual representations. So, earlier a word "project" long time was exclusively used by engineers and has been connected with representation about the complete set of the technical and budget documentation for construction or new technical development. Now the concept the project is used also by financiers, economists, politicians, scientific, businessmen who conceive and embody during a life of intention with in advance established purposes, requirements to terms, costs, to risk and quality of expected results. It also is projects. Practically at each enterprise a plenty various on the purposes, orientation of projects which demand an individual approach for qualitative realization is at a time developed.

The purpose and problems of the work

The purpose магистерской works "Research of an Internet-control system by projects" is carrying out of complex research of program activity of a software package dotProject, definition and a substantiation of reserves and ways of perfection of an existing control system of projects.

Object of research: the web-constructed program project dotProject (PHP+mySQL)
Object of research: principles of functioning and program realization of management by projects and the factors influencing its formation.

The primary goals:
to consider theoretical aspects of management of projects;
to lead the technical and economic, program analysis of the above-stated software product;
to define reserves of reduction of expenses and economy received due to introduction more a writing program plug-in, containing additional opportunities and expanding the basic functions dotProject.

Prospectivescientific novelty

The considered problematics and methods/ways of its decision assumes very much a plenty of spent resources of a various sort. Any administrative activity requires effective algorithms and exact unequivocal final data of a choice of the size of an intermediate kind, therefore at realization of the lifted question completion/analysis of some critical algorithms and search of increase of efficiency of a method is planned to make both program updating of an initial method, and a writing of new plug-ins, probably.

A practical value

As the problem considered in given work is actual for any enterprise/corporation, etc. accordingly practical value of the given researches also is great enough if to not tell is huge. Efficient control program and other projects allows to save money, time, human resources.

The review of existing decisions

The review of known results of the decision of problems of operative management is spent by projects (mechanisms of advancing self-checking and compensatory mechanisms), are considered original models of the operative management, allowing to solve problems of management in view of the moments of decision-making, their maintenance (efficiency) and a coordination: additional agreements, reduction of duration of the project, a scale of the payment, the distributed financing, typical decisions, points of the control.
Managers of the project can use system for adjustment of the certain carried out problems for which should be:
— Necessary dates are appointed;
— Parental/affiliated attitudes are certain;
— The certain interrelations are established;
— Human resources for performance of problems are appointed;
— Other physical resources are appointed to problems;
— Stage-by-stage adjustment of the project is planned;
— Use of the information on a condition, prepared by members of the project, for a management of planning/performance of the project;
— Records of the basic design information (the sheet about needs, the ostentatious budget and so on.)[1].

Actual problems

The problem management of projects is really very sharp, all processes passing at the enterprise should be considered, all questions should be solved, certain time terms, resources are allocated, etc. Alongside with it there is a set of difficulties which decision are assigned to similar software. Thus reduction of duration of production cycles, and as minimization of demanded resources is necessary. Careful adaptation of software products according to functional requirements of customers is necessary.


Professional programming – the activity directed on reception of incomes by means of programming. That is available is basic or some consumer which is ready to pay for use of results of programming is supposed. The important conclusion that manufacture of programs it always collective activity in which two persons participate a minimum from here follows: the programmer and the consumer[4].

Unconditional advantage of model Open Source is that it is continuation of model of scientific researches where the program code represents itself as results of such research, and results are given to colleagues for criticism and studying. The project represented by the report is developed on PHP, mySQL.

At the moment (at the site creation) the project is in a stage of development. Prospective date of the end - December, 2007.

Used literature:

1. The official site of dotProject
2. Управление программными проектами: достижение оптимального качества при минимуме затрат.: Пер. с англ.- М.: Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2003. - 1136 с.

3. Коновальчук Е.В., Новиков Д.А. Модели и методы оперативного управления проектами.
М.: ИПУ РАН, 2004. – 63 с.

4 . .ВебПроекты / Разработка веб-сайтов, продвижение сайтов, исследования и статьи. Статья "Сетевые" организации и как ими управлять.

2007 Кострицкий Д.С., ДонНТУ