Petro Pakhomenko
of search
Theme of master's work:
"System engineering of banners exchange and forecasting of network activity of users"
Supervisor: Averin Dmitry Gennadievich
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The abstract of master's thesis
   In our days advertising is the important constituent of any business. It is already difficult to imagine the world without advertising. Only in 2006 world companies expended more than 406 milliards of dollars in advertising.
   Already today the global distributing of financial streams is closely associated with the state and development of the Internet. In development the huge sums of money are inlaid comparable with resources, inlaid in power business. Consequently, it is extremely necessary to study the streams of information and dynamics of their development.
   Today there is all statistical information, touching a network the internet is kept small interval of time (1-3 months), therefore to study and forecast network activity of users it is possible only on short-term intervals.
   In connection with stormy development of advertising in a network the Internet the task of prognostication of network activity of users become the high rates of growth of network very actual.

Aims and tasks of work
   A purpose of work is development of the system of exchange by banners, determination of features and conformities to the law of network activity of users of network the internet, creation the modules of storage, analysis of the got data, prognostications of network activity of users.
   A research object is the systems of exchange by banners as modern mean of advertising of goods and services in a network the Internet.
   The article of research is conformities to the law of network activity of users of network the Internet in different time and loudspeaker of its change domains.
   Methods of researches are systematization, generalization and statistical analysis of data about the dynamics of network activity of users of the system.

Methodical chart of research
   The methodical chart of research set the problem is presented on a picture 1
Picture 1 Methodical chart of research
   On a picture 1 design times are represented:
1. Creation of the system of exchange by banners and collection of information about network activity of users of network the Internet.
2. Setting of conformities to the law of network activity of users with the use of simulation, probabilistic design, statistical design and systematic analysis techniques.
3. Development of models of prognoses and generalization of results of researches.

   As a result of collection, systematization and processing of data, and also conducting of researches of network activity of users can be got model of development of global network the internet, by which the prognosis of visited of resources of networks is made on short temporal intervals.

   1. PHP 5. Профессиональное программирование. - Пер. с англ./ Энди Гутманс, Стиг Баккен, Дерик Ретанс - СПб: Символ-Плюс, 2006. - 704 с., ил.
   2. Прогнозирование в системе STATISTICA в среде Windows. Основы теории и интенсивная практика на компьютере: Учебное пособие. - Боровиков В.П. - М.: Финансы и статистика, 1999. - 384 с.: ил.
   3. Комплексный метод оценки эффективности интернет-рекламы в коммерческих организациях (2.05.2007).
   4. Эффективное создание и обмен баннеров (12.04.2007г)
   5. История развития интернета (12.05.07г)
Report of search
Individual task