Suhinin Dmitriy Vadimovich

Group ÊS-06M
[DonNTU][ Masters portal ]
Faculty: Computer facilities and computer science
Speciality: Computer systems and networks
[Ukraine] [Russian]
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     Like all normal people living on our remarkable planet Earth I have a date of birth - May, 14th, 1985, (can't tell the exact time unfortunately), I remember only that after midnight, but in I think it is not very important. After my birth, my family became cheerful and interesting. The baby did not allow anybody to sleep and shouted incessantly and of something complained, the parents had no choice but to calm him down, wait and hope that all this will end some day. After a while the baby has calmed down, but new questions: "What? And how?, Why? And what for?", It is not known what is worse, cries in infancy, or a heap of questions in childhood. My parents were patient and provided intelligible ansvers for all the silly questions. The kid was curious not only in the questions, but also in all that concerned the device of his{its} toys. Practically all that carried the name - the Toy, was exposed to careful disassembly and research. Not all that has been disassembled and gathered had the same original form. After all toys have been disassembled, to the kid it became boring at home and it{him} have decided to send in school.

School days

     In school ¹ 6. Dzerzhinsk has been sent on September, 1, 1993 as it is necessary with the big bag for that time, full of school accessories and certainly by the first and favourite book - "Abc-book". At the same time, I have gone to musical school in a class of a piano. In 1996 it be not become interesting to me goes to school ¹6 and I have been transferred in elite school ¹3. Why school days have flown by that quickly as it seems to me. During study it has been spoiled a heap of different writing-books, handles, kgs are erased swept and square meters of school boards are filled up. At school it was cheerful, but already again started to bother and it became boring. And during that moment when already began at all hunting goes to school, there has come time to final examinations. They have passed successfully and I have been awarded with the GOLD MEDAL, but not chocolate as will seem to you at first sight, and the real and the main thing that very fairly earned. After a passing examinations there was a question on in what I shall be engaged in the future.

Student's years

     To be engaged I became programming why that I have solved that this mine and I think that was not mistaken. So in 2002 I try to act on faculty "Computer facilities and computer science" on a speciality "Computer systems and networks" and you know at me it it turns out. The same year I am any more the graduate of school, and high-grade entrant DonNTU. Having waited a little bit time both passed the first examinations and having ended the first semester smoothly I pass in the status of the student. Further there is a cheerful life at university and a hostel, am at a loss to give the answer where it is more interesting?. In 2006 I hand over graduation examination on a speciality both I decide to continue training and I try to pass in the status of the Master. At present I continue to study, having chosen a theme for Masters works - "Development of multimedia server DonNTU" which head is senior lecturer Anoprienko A.J.

Plans on the future

      After ending of university I will point the all energy at the searches of good job and on the self-education and study of new in the field of programing under the Internet. It was undoubtedly desirable that work had been related exactly to writing of appendixes under the Internet or with administration of networks, that similarly is the interesting sphere of study for me. At present there are three ready sites:,, from which the third works already for a long time and two only have opened and are in a test mode.

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