Biography | Master's thesis | Library | Links | Results of search in Internet | Personal task |
Results of search in Internet
The search in the Internet was conducted with the purpose of receipt of additional information on the theme of master's degree work. Therefore as a query the words most close to the given theme were neat. The search was produced two times 27.03.2007 and --.--.2007 in the most widespread searching systems: ,
. If on some query the search was not produced, blank stands in the proper cell. The results of search are added to tables.
To table from 05.06.2007 year. |
To table from 27.03.2007 year. |
The results of search rotined that common information content had grown for that interval of time, which links two reports about the search. Almost on-request to all, set searching system, most of information is given by the searching systems of YANDEX, RAMBLER and GOOGLE. It is needed also to take into account that different searching systems, destroy different references, therefore the search must be conducted simultaneously in a few searching systems.
On-request English-language most result was rotined by the searching system of RAMBLER. It is possible is explained by the algorithm of its work on man-hunting.
Considerably the searching system of META-UKRAINE falls behind on given information content out. Here can be two reasons of such result: search of sites in Ukrainian language or feature of work of algorithm of search.
Note should be taken on the considerable decline of indexes of search in the system of YAHOO. The second search rotined the understated results, can account for it only by two reasons: failures in-process servers, or their temporal disabled. It can be checked up only after a while.
Some part of the found information is of no interest, because is advertising, gives chapter and verse the same, one author the same article. From all volume the list of sites and pages which are interesting and can be used for writing of master's degree work was abstracted. They are designed in sections «Links» and «Library» of this site.
Biography | Master's thesis | Library | Links | Results of search in Internet | Personal task |