Grade point average dummy my education at university has made 4 point. I know Russian, Ukrainian language freely. Extent of knowledge, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I'm able to use English language. I have experience of development of IP-Networks, automatic telephone exchange 5ESS, work with operational systems Windows, Linux, programming in languages Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi. I have practical skills with following software: Visual Studio .Net, C++ Builder, Delphi, MATLAB 7.0, System View. I am keen aircraft modeling and computer graphics. Therefore, in the software it is possible to fill up the list of skills following programs: AutoCAD, SolidWork, Inventor, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Maya, LightWave and not much 3dmax.
I was born on Sunday on 22 of April 1984. My mother's name is Izjumova Tamara Amvrosievna, my father's is - Izjumov Valerij Petrovich, by profession they are engineers. In the childhood as in my opinion, I was the ordinaries child. In general, I remember the childhood under stones of parents. Spoke, that I was inquisitive and sharp, but I, unfortunately, don if remember this. It's pitty, then I would tell more.
The school - the most interesting time in my life, which has begun, when I have moved to the grandmother. She lived closer to school. Her name is Velizkay Vera Aleksandrovna, grandfather's name - Velizkij Amvrosij Afanasovich. They are the greatest people for me, after parents. They brought me up all period of studding of school, I have forgotten to tell, that I started to study at school N125 and have studied there from the 1 to 4 class. In the same place, I went to musical school on a class of a piano. Probably, during this period inquisitiveness has woken up at me to everything, that me surrounded. For me interesting was literally all. And answers to my questions I found always and all over again tried to find the answer it myself, more often in books, and the terrorized all people around me: parents, brother, etc. By the way had books at me was much, I lived in the room, where the longest wall, had a rack with books, on the most different subject. Also in these four classes, I was engaged in aircraft modeling, chess, drawing and not much electronics. Thank, God, that my hands grew in the rightway. Till now I'm surprised, on what they are capable. In all hobbies the huge help was rendered me by the father, he explained all to me and showed, as well as it necessary.
In 5 class parents have transferred me in school N122, nowadays it's a gymnasium, where I have studied before the ending. From the school subject me involved: math, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science. On these subjects, I had the highest points, probably, because there were good teachers. At school, in addition I was engaged in the Greek language. In 7 class I has left a piano school about what I have a diploma. In addition, in 7 class after introductory testing, in addition, has entered in school 'Erudite' in which I have studied two years, in a subject programming. The same 2 years I participated in regional Olympiads on computer science on which occupied placed in first tens. As was engaged in computer science in a small academy of sciences. By the way, the computer has appeared of me in 8 class, and a year I was engaged in computer science, cleanly theoretically, and quite successfully. So my finger have passed from keys of a piano and began to knock on keys of the computer keyboard. At that time, I programmed everything that came to my head. I have studied languages C, C++ and then Visual C++ myself.
The university I have chosen at once, the question stood only on what specialty I must go. The interest to programming went out and to computer technics still is present. But, finally, I was defined and have submitted documents on a speciality 'Telecommunication System and Network'. The communication began to grow greater rates, and was perspective branch at the university, when I was yearly, I have got acquainted with the tutor senior lecturer Degtjarenko Ilya Vjacheslavovich, who in consequence became my supervisor of studies. As a result debts of conversations with Ilya Vjacheslavovich about that, that it's possible to engage at university, have come to theme mutully interesting us - neural network technologies. Whence there was a theme for research work, an in a consequence became theme for master's thesis "Speech Signal Compression using Neural Network Technologies". I do not know what I do after university. Or I shall remain in branch of communication or I shall prefer the compute graphic and shall be engaged 3d graphics. But I assume to achieve high career not depending on that I shall choose.