Today Energy savings in Ukraine is considered on the highest level.
Electricity charges are changed depending on market demands, inputs are changed accordingly, for electricity
charges part in total inputs comes to 60%. Today Energy savings is one of the most important problems for
enterprises which long for profitable and effective activity. Metallurgy development comes together with
electric furnace development. Arc steel furnaces are used a lot of electric capacity.
That is why the problem of electricity economy
in steel industry is actual in practice.
It is important for the functioning of arc steel
furnaces that power consumption depends on the way of fusing.
Today the upper level of power consumption is limited
and can not be exceeded. At that the process of energy consumption while fusing is random. So it is possible
to see fluctuation of energy consumption while fusing and among them. So it is actual to determine wide-band
admissible value for energy consumption that is the object of this work.
To secure the object we should solve the following problems:
• to study conditions of ASF energy consumption;
• to prove the method of wide-band standard determining;
• to learn experimental data of energy consumption while working the different groups of steel makers;
• to determine wide-band standards for different grades of steel.
One of the factories solves energy saving problem by using
the system of energy consumption limiting. (the author Luty A.P.). This system forecasts expected power consumption while
fusing, gives to steel makers notice of possible limit excess, and cut off the furnace if the limit is exceed till the fusion
The efficiency of limiting system depends of accuracy of
limits determining. Production output and energy consumption are variates. If the technological process is correct production
output is under normal law. If normal conditions are broken we will see irregular departure from the normal law. To prove the
limit we have analysed technological conditions of a lot of fusions while using limiting system and without it. When fusing was
made without limiting system we have discovered considerable difference of energy consumption per 1 tone of steel for different
teams of steel makers. While limiting system was used the power consumption was significantly decreased.
In this work is proposed to limit energy consumption with wide-band
standards, which admits energy consumption variation within insignificant limits.
We have excluded irregular variations to minimum from the
statistical distribution of production output by symmetrical reflection of statistical distribution function within values
of great production outputs to the field of little values. According to experimental data we have got dependence of specific
energy consumption from production output in relational units, that let us prove the standards of energy consumption.
The results of this work could be used in steel production.