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Master of DonNTU Aleksandr Listopad. 2008

Personal details

Name:  Aleksandr Listopad

Date of birth:   5 August 1986

Nationality:   Ukrainian

Addres:   Stroiteley street 7, flat 63, Avdeevka, Donetsk region, Ukraine

Phone:   8(066) 333-48-97



1993 – 2003 :         Comprehensive secondary school ¹7 in Avdeevka

2003 – 2007 :         Donetsk National Technical University
                                        Faculty of ecology and chemical technology
                                        Speciality: chemical technology of fuel and carbonaceous materials
                                        Bachelor's diploma

2004:                     Driving school at the state automobile inspection of Yasinovataya

2008 to present:     Donetsk National Technical University
                                        Faculty of ecology and chemical technology
                                        Speciality: chemical technology of fuel and carbonaceous materials
                                        Master’s degree

Professional experience

July 2005:             Open Ltd. Company "DonetskCoke", Donetsk, Ukraine.
                                    Educational practice

July 2006:             Open Ltd.Company «Avdeevskiy cokechemical plant», Avdeevka, Donetsk area, Ukraine.
                                    Engineering practice

July 2007:             Institute of physics-organic chemistry and coal chemistry, Donetsk, Ukraine.
                                    Technological practice


    Powerlifting, Car and motorcycle driving, fishing

The additional skills

    PC user: MS Office, Turbo Pascal 7.0, Lab View, MathCad, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ


    Russian, Ukrainian, basic English

Driving license:

    cars (B) and motorcycles (A)

Abstract              Library              Links              Report about the search             History of Harley-Davidson motocycle